The structure of MQHOA is very simple, including merely two phases, the quantum harmonic oscillator process (QHO process) and multi-scale process (M process). Experiments are carried out to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of MQHOA by applying it to 30 well defined benchmark functions....
Solution of Time Independent Schrödinger Equation for the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator was found using the above operation transform formulae in section 3.PRITIBALA K. SONTAKKEALKA S. GUDADHEBibliotheca Publishing HouseJournal of Science & Arts...
Suzuki : General Solution of the Quantum Damped Harmonic Oscillator, to appear in Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys, 5, arXiv : 0710.2724 [quant-ph].R. Endo, K. Fujii and T. Suzuki : General Solution of the Quantum Damped Harmonic Oscillator, Int. J. Geom. Methods. Mod. Phys, 5 (...
The solution states that the particle is in a superposition of two energy eigenstates, represented by the equation ##|\psi\rangle = c_1|0\rangle +c_2|1\r Apr 26, 2015 #1 Robben 166 2 Homework Statement A particle of mass m in the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is in a ...
One of the more interesting features of the solution is that the energy levels are very nearly equally spaced. The biharmonic oscillator provides a relatively simple model for systems which lack the symmetry of the harmonic oscillator.关键词: Oscillators ...
In the preceding paper (arXiv: 0710.2724 [quant-ph]) we have constructed the general solution for the master equation of quantum damped harmonic oscillator, which is given by the complicated infinite series in the operator algebra level. In this paper we give the explicit and compact forms to...
Quantum Action-Angle Variables for Harmonic Oscillators, Ann - Newton - 1979 () Citation Context ...owed that in the case of linear harmonic oscillator the unitarity of the given operator might be saved if the standard Hilbert space was doubled. Similar solution was then discussed also by R....
Quantum mechanics, Harmonic oscillator, Equilibrium point, Quantum gravity, Nondimensionalization, Diatomic molecule, Canonical commutation relation, Particle in a spherically symmetric potential, Gas in a harmonic trap, Creation and annihilation operators, Coherent state, Morse potential, Hooke's atom, ...
Quantum-mechanical treatment of a harmonic oscillator has been a well-studied topic from the beginning of the history of quantum mechanics. This topic is a standard subject in classical mechanics as well. In this chapter, first we briefly survey characteristics of a classical harmonic oscillator. ...
Thequantumanharmonicoscillatorisanimportantmodelinphysics.Unfortunately itcan’tbesolvedinclosedform.Inthepast,intensiveeffortswerecarriedoutto developreliablemethodstosolvethemodelnumerically.Manypapersstudyonlythe doublewellpotential[1,2,3].Otherpapersdealwithallsortsofquantumanharmonic oscillators(see,e.g.[...