Research22 Jan 2025Nature Volume: 637, P: 1090-1095 Topological orbital Hall effect caused by skyrmions and antiferromagnetic skyrmions Magnetic skyrmions are nano-scale whirls that give rise to a topological Hall effect. The authors predict that this charge transport is accompanied by the transport...
Discovered decades ago, the quantum Hall effect remains one of the most studied phenomena in condensed matter physics and is relevant for research areas such as topological phases, strong electron correlations and quantum computing1–5. The quantized ele
Researchers in China have found evidence of a new type of quantum Hall Effect existent in a three-dimensional topological semimetal. The study, published in Nature on Monday, illustrated the path of the electrons in three-dimensional materials when exposed to a strong magnetic field, marking a gr...
G.S. Jeon and J.K. Jain, Nature of quasiparticle excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect, Phys. Rev. B 68. 165346 (2003) [cond-mat/0310708]G S Jeon and J K Jain. Nature of quasiparticle excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Phys. Rev. B 68 165346 (2003)...
需要确保预测基于现有文献和会议的趋势,比如查看最近PRL、Nature Physics的文章,或者主要会议如APS March Meeting的议题。例如,最近是否有更多关于Mott绝缘体、量子临界点的研究,或者利用张量网络、量子蒙特卡洛方法的改进? 另外,可能要考虑国际合作和大科学装置的影响,比如新的光源设施、强磁场实验室等,这些可能促进实验发...
Extensive efforts have been undertaken to combine superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect so that Cooper-pair transport between superconducting electrodes in Josephson junctions is mediated by one-dimensional edge states1–6. This interest has been
3. Quantum Spin Hall Effect 这一部分将介绍量子自旋霍尔效应中的自旋陈数、 \mathbb{Z}_2拓扑绝缘体、反铁磁拓扑绝缘体以及拓扑材料周期表。 Berry curvature有一个性质,在时间反演变换下变号,那么如果如果哈密顿量有时间反演对称性,则 \vec k与-\vec k处Berry curvature相反;取布里渊区为最大对称性的Wigner...
Quantum Hall effect From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The quantum Hall effect (or integer quantum Hall effect) is a quantum-mechanical version of the Hall effect, observed in two-dimensional electron systems subjected to low temperatures and strong magnetic fields, in which the Hall conductance ...
Hall Effect Measurement System:霍尔效应测量系统 热度: 相关推荐 马红孺 上海交通大学应用物理系 一九九八年十二月二十三日 量子霍尔效应及其它 1998年诺贝尔物理奖授予HorstStomer,崔琦和Robert Laughlin,以表彰他们发现分数量子霍尔效应及对这一新 的量子液体的深刻理解. fortheirdiscoveryofanewformofquantumfluidwith...
Experimental observation of the quantum Hall effect and Berry's phase in graphene. When electrons are confined in two-dimensional materials, quantum-mechanically enhanced transport phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect can be observed... Yuanbo,Zhang,Yan-Wen,... - 《Nature》 被引量: 6217...