量子场论(Quantum field theory)英文维基汉化 (已放弃在知乎上进行英文维基汉化,并打算直接使用wiki技术,打造中国的维基百科,网址www.kexue.pro,备案中,快要可以使用了)原文链接:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_field_theory 在理论物理学中,量子场论(QFT)是结合经典场论、狭义相对论和量子力学的理论框架。
https://www.physics.harvard.edu/events/videos/Phys253 Sidney Coleman 是一位量子场论大师,这些视频是他在哈佛大
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_field_theory 将近邻原子势场视为微扰,电子哈密顿量的对称性由 O\left(3\right) 破缺为其子群 O_h ,能量本征态应由 SO\left(3\right) 的不可约表示进一步约化到 O_h 的表示,例如 SO\left(3\right) 的不可约表示空间 l=2 (即 d 电子)将约化到 O_h 的...
And as a matter of fact, when people give rigorous mathematical proofs of the locality of quantum mechanics or quantum field theory, they are really showing that amplitudes behave locally, even if probabilities do not.The screwy thing about the amplitude story is that we have an intuitive idea...
I personally do not adhere to the idea that gravitons exist. Gravitons are a hypothetical theoretical particle that mediates the force of gravity within gravitational field theory. Such a particle would move at the speed of light and have a spin of 2. It would also be massless as a necessi...
Poincare invariance of a quantum field theory is a very nontrivial statement that is not easy to get. Thus as long as no proof is available that a given construction is Poincare invariant (by giving the interacting generators with P_0 and verifying that they satisfy the Lie algebra of Poinca...
Python1- Yet to come Python2- Yet to come QAUNTUM STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS All Quantum Technology Quantum Information Science Quantum Electronics Quantum Field Theory Quantum Computer Science Quantum Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Quantum Mathematics...
The field theory, so far, has failed in the molecular sphere. It is agreed on all hands that the only principle which could serve as a basis of quantum theory would be one that constituted a translation of the field theory into the scheme of quantum statistics. Whether this will actually ...
WikiProject Physics or the Physics Portal may be able to help recruit one. If a more appropriate WikiProject or portal exists, please adjust this template accordingly. Beyond the Standard Model Quantum gravity is the field of theoretical physics attempting to unify quantum mechanics, which describes...
If the decisions the experimenter made to measure the particle and the state of the particle itself were somehow forced to be correlated (violating statistical independence), it was still possible to produce a local hidden variable theory. Einstein couldn’t be right, but perhaps some prior ...