If you are unable to make up your quantum, my boy, you had better address yourself to a principal; there are plenty of principals in the profession, you know, and what is not worth the while of one, may be worth the while of another; that's my recommendation to you, speaking as ...
Though statistical physics offers no answer, resource theories do.One answer derived from resource theoriesresembles∆Fmathematically but involvesone-shot information theory,whichI’vediscussedelsewhere. If you average this one-shot extractable work, you recover <W> =∆F. “Helmholtz” resource theor...
International Telecommunications Union, Recommendation under study X.sec-QKDN-ov, “Security Requirements for QKD Networks–Overview” (2019). https://www.itu.int/itu-t/workprog/wp_item.aspx?isn=15001. . Accessed 24 Sept 2019. International Telecommunications Union, Recommendation under study X.se...
1. We have obtained these cuts and, in fact, the full three-dimensional potentials using complete counterpoise corrected DFT calculations using the Gaussian-09 program35 (Any mention of commercial products is for information only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National ...
We consider a quantum theory based on a Galois field. In this approach infinities cannot exist, the cosmological constant problem does not arise, and one irreducible representation (IR) of the symmetry algebra splits into independent IRs describing a particle an its antiparticle only in the approx...
Quantum theory, including aspects such as indeterminacy relations and entanglement, is based on the quantum of action. All the effects of quantum theory depend on the quantum of action. Thermodynamics, including the second law, is based on the quantum of entropy. All the effects of thermodynamics...
A theoretical-physics student studies particle physics and quantum field theory (the mathematical framework behind particle physics) en route to a PhD. CERN scientists accelerate particles to high speeds, smash them together, and analyze the resulting debris. The higher the particles’ initial energies...
Book Google Scholar Kerenidis, I., Prakash, A.: Quantum gradient descent for linear systems and least squares. arXiv:1704.04992 (2017) Kerenidis, I., Prakash, A.: Quantum recommendation systems. In: 8th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2017). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leib...
A quantum-inspired classical algorithm for recommendation systems. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC 2019 (pp. 217–228). New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Chapter Google Scholar Valiant, L. G. (1979). The complexity of computing...
a. the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory b. a particle with such a unit of energy 2. amount or quantity, esp a specific amount 3. (often used with a negative) the least possible amount that can suffice...