Paris, M.G.A. : ‘ Quantum estimation for quantum technology ’, Int. J. Quantum Inf. , 2009 , 7 , pp. 125 – 137 : 10.1142/S0219749909004839 ).Paris, M.G.A.: Quantum estimation for quantum technology. Int. J. Quantum Inf. 7 , 125–137 (2009) MATH...
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参数估计理论(Estimation theory)这部分很基础,一般的概率论与数理统计都由介绍(比如我看的浙大盛骤版),就要点简单写一下。 对一个总体 X\,其分布函数为F(X;\theta)\,若知道F\的形式,那么很自然的可以想…
A. Quantum estimation for quantum technology. Int. J. Quant. Inf. 7, 125–137 (2009). Article MATH Google Scholar Liu, J., Jing, X. X. & Wang, X. G. Phase-matching condition for enhancement of phase sensitivity in quantum metrology. Phys. Rev. A 88, 042316 (2013). Article ADS...
We study informationally overcomplete measurements for quantum state estimation so as to clarify their tomographic significance as compared with minimal informationally complete measurements. We show that informationally overcomplete measurements can improve the tomographic efficiency significantly over minimal measure...
A review. Quantum detection theory is a reformulation, in quantum-mechanical terms, of statistical decision theory as applied to the detection of signals i
Quantum mechanical systems can simultaneously carry out multiple computations due to their wave like properties. This paper describes an O(1/epsilon) step algorithm for the above estimation.关键词: Quantum Physics DOI: 10.1145/237814.237866 被引量: 5413 年份: 1996 ...
1 有关相位估计电路正确性的证明思路 Proof Sketch of the Correctness of the Phase Estimation Circuit ■ 4 本征态估计 Eigenvalue Estimation ■ 5 隐含子群问题 The Hidden Subgroup Problem ■ 6 Grover量子搜索算法 Grover's Algorithm for Quantum Search 1 通过量子黑盒进行搜索 Searching with a Quantum Bl...
Quantum information processing relies on the precise control of non-classical states in the presence of many uncontrolled environmental degrees of freedom. The interactions between the relevant degrees of freedom and the environment are often viewed as d