Weak limit (g→ 0): The system fails to couple to the detectors. The bound (26) reduces to minw2{−log(pj1Vpj2VTr(Πw2W))}. The probability distribution {pjℓV} has a spread quantified by the Shannon entropy HSh({pjℓV}). The left-hand side of Eq. (24) reduces to 2[...
The spatial QRNG offers similar properties as the temporal QRNG, but it requires multiple detectors. In addition, correlation may be introduced between the random bits because of npj Quantum Information (2016) 16021 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales Quantum random number...
A desperate classical explanation might be that the particles split, with one part passing through each hole, but this is not the case: if detectors are placed at H1 or at H2 or in front of the barrier, only one particle is ever registered at a time. (Remarkably, if a detector is ...
If 1 & 4 arrive at their detectors simultaneously, so will 2 & 3. That's because 1 & 4 traveled the same distance relative to each other, and so did 2 & 3 relative to each other. So they will all appear in the same adjusted time window. b) If Alice and Bob are checking ...
Assume Alice chooses her axis at angle [itex]\alpha[/itex] relative to the x-axis in the x-y plane, and Bob chooses his to be at angle [itex]\beta[/itex] (let’s confine the orientations of the detectors to the x-y plane so that orientation can be given by a single real ...
Device-independent quantum secure direct communication (DI-QSDC) is a promising primitive in quantum cryptography aimed towards addressing the problems of
In the context of quantum technologies, the generation and manipulation of single photons has become a key element for applications such as quantum communication and quantum computing, as well as quantum metrology, biology and experiments probing the fou
et al. Quantum key distribution over a 40-dB channel loss using superconducting single-photon detectors. Nat. Photon. 1, 343–348 (2007). Article ADS Google Scholar Lo, H.-K., Curty, M. & Qi, B. Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 130503 ...
Finally, we remark that the experiment was not performed in a loophole-free manner, as such it would be interesting to check the expectation that the same conclusions also hold in a loophole-free Bell test such as recently done in refs. 21,22,23. Discussion In this paper, we have shown...
Figure 2. Alice and Bob making spin measurements in the xz plane on a pair of spin-entangled particles with their Stern-Gerlach (SG) magnets and detectors. Bob observes the same regarding his SG magnet orientationβ. Thus, the source is rotationally invariant in the spatial plane P orthogonal...