I am trying to implement a Quantum Neural Network in qiskit, using the VQC class. The problem is that each data consists in 190 features, which just can't be encoded with the default VQC's function (ZZfeatureMap), since this would mean create a circuit with 190 qubits. The solution tha...
Quantum Computing A Comprehensive Beginners Guide量子计算是全新的体系结构。这个系列视频从数学基础开始,介绍了量子计算的一些基本概念和量子计算的应用1 - Math prerequisites2 - Qubit3 - Quantum gates Single quantum gates4 - Multiple Qubit5 - Multiple qu, 视
Di**ce 上传 python quantum-computing quantum-teleportation quantum-information quantum-algorithms 量子计算示例 使用QISKit 的量子计算示例。 例子 德意志算法 问题。 对于给定的预言机函数 f : {0, 1} -> {0, 1},确定 f 是平衡的还是常数。 Deutsch-Jozsa 算法 问题。 对于给定的预言机函数 f : {0, 1...
Quantum Computing is a rapidly emerging technology that relies on the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are not possible today in classical computers. It’s time to learn quantum computing and the best way to learn is through games. Well, I’m talking about the Qiskit Blocks, ...
Build, refine, and execute workloads at scale with Qiskit, the open-source toolkit for useful quantum.
from qiskit.optimization.algorithms import MinimumEigenOptimizer That should do it. Make sure to run it in an environment where you have the necessary permissions to install packages using pip. If you are using a Jupyter notebook, you might want restart the kernel and run the cells again to...
举个栗子,并用Qiskit实现: 我们需要一个3个量子比特,两个经典注册器的量子线路。 首先Eve产生一个Bell态作为纠缠态。假设q1量子比特分给了Alice,q2分给了Bob。 importnumpyasnpfromqiskitimportQuantumCircuit,QuantumRegister,ClassicalRegister,execute,BasicAer,IBMQfromqiskit.visualizationimportplot_histogram,plot_bloch...
Build, refine, and execute workloads at scale with Qiskit, the open-source toolkit for useful quantum.
当我尝试运行此代码时,它给我一个错误,无法从 qiskit 导入执行(错误粘贴在下面)。 2 get_ipython().system('pip install --upgrade qiskit qiskit-aer') 3 我...
NVIDIA cuQuantumis an SDK for accelerating quantum circuit simulation. Built to accelerate all circuit simulation frameworks and integrated into Cirq, Qiskit, Pennylane, and more, cuQuantum allows researchers to simulate ideal or noisy qubits with scale and performance. ...