Quantum Computers & Cryptology Shor’s Algoritm (cont’d) Pick a random number i < N. Compute gcd(i, N) through traditional methods. Euclidean Algorithm etc. If gcd(i, N) = 1 stop, otherwise: Use quantum computing to find period r such that f(x) = a^x mod N, and f(x + r) ...
Introduction/Background Quantum computing is a new method for developing models of computation based on principles of quantum mechanics (superposition, entanglement) 1981 - Richard Feynman & Paul Benioff are both credited with giving separate talks proposing the idea of developing a quantum computer 1985...
The purpose of our work is to show that, in the near future, Quantum Computing algorithms may solve many currently intractable financial problems, and render obdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2694133Marcos Lopez de PradoSocial Science Electronic Publishing
These are still the early days of quantum computing technology, but our experience with megaquop machines will guide the way to gigaquops, teraquops, and beyond and hence to widely impactful quantum value that benefits the world. I thank Dorit Aharonov, Sergio Boixo, Earl Campbell, Roland Fa...
Following that up, it is not hard to see how as with any transformative technology, quantum computing raises ethical questions. The concentration of such powerful computational resources in the hands of a few could exacerbate existing problems. As mentioned, specifically about privacy and data securit...
Granular twenty-year forecasts, broken down by quantum computing technology. Market Forecasts & Analysis: 20-year market forecasts for quantum computer hardware by volume (i.e., number of systems sold) and revenue. Individual forecast lines are available for eight different technology categories includ...
Quantum Computing Technology is Supporting Drug Discovery Quantum computing is a rapidly emerging technology that uses quantum mechanism to solve large and complex problems in a short span of time as compared to traditional computers. Quantum computing has created a huge impact on the pharmaceutical ind...
Teaches quantum computing and Qiskit in a Minetest block world. Here are the Quantum Computing Workshop with QiskitBlocks web-based slides. Watch a video that gives a gentle introduction to quantum computing using cats and QiskitBlocks See a QiskitBlocks tour in the Learn how to play and build...
Factory. At its core, this is a quantum circuit simulator with a graphic interface (not too dissimilar to theQuirkquantum circuit simulator) but providing a structured sequence of challenges, many based on tasks of real-life importance to quantum computing, that players must construct circuits to...
I recently presented a two part session on quantum computing atDataSciConat Georgia Tech in Atlanta. The first session was entitled "Why Schrodinger's Cat was Grumpy", and the second session was entitled "Hacking Nature's Computer". I hope you enjoy the videos of these sessions in the links...