Integration of Quantum Computing and AI 量子计算与人工智能的结合将推动计算能力的突破,实现更复杂的数据处理和决策优化。 ·量子增强学习(Quantum Enhanced Learning):利用量子计算加速机器学习算法,提高智能系统的能力。 ·量子计算在AI中的应用(Applications of Quantum Computing in AI):探索量子计算在自然语言处理、...
Basic Concepts of Quantum Computing 量子计算是基于量子力学原理的计算方法,利用量子比特(qubits)进行信息处理。传统计算机使用经典比特(bits)来表示信息,每个比特只能是0或1之一。而量子比特可以同时处于0和1的叠加状态,从而使量子计算机具有强大的并行计算能力。 量子计算的定义和基本原理 Definition and Basic Principles...
Build quantum applications with the Leap quantum cloud service. Access all of the application development tools and resources you need to get started today.
Intel Quantum SDK is a full quantum computing stack in simulation that offers a customizable development environment for a broad range of developers.
A year of simplifying quantum software development tools with Qiskit Dynamic circuits enable essential circuit cutting methods for quantum-centric supercomputing Release news: Qiskit SDK v1.3 is here! Demonstrating a true realization of quantum-centric supercomputing ...
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- China has released a new quantum computing programming software named "isQ-Core" and deployed it to the country's superconducting quantum hardware platform. It represents a significant step forward in the combination of home-grown quantum computing hardware and software...
Discover quantum computing with Intel's innovative technology and labs, advancing quantum computing with qubits and quantum computer processors.
2pi Software provides AI/ML and Quantum computing services, cloud architecture design and deployment using AWS and software development.
(pronounced "ticket"), its high-performance quantum software development kit (Q-SDK), which now enables quantum circuit execution on Amazon Braket, a fully managed quantum computing service from Amazon Web Services (AWS), and IonQ quantum computers as well as applic...
Qiskit is the world’s most popular software stack for quantum computing. Build circuits, leverage Qiskit functions, transpile with AI tools, and execute workloads in an optimized runtime environment. Get started Select an item 01Performance 02Workflow 03Tools and services 04Get started 05Tutorials ...