What is a quantum computer and how does it work? How advanced is the technology and what is it used for? ► Learn everything about quantum computing!
However, in practice, quantum algorithms only use real-valued amplitudes. In this paper, we provide a simple explanation for this empirical fact.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-76620-7_11Isaac BautistaVladik KreinovichOlga KoshelevaHoang Phuong Nguyen
We discuss finite quantum theory (FQT) developed in our previous publications and give a simple explanation that standard quantum theory is a special case of FQT in the formal limit $po\\infty$ where $p$ is the characteristic of the ring or field used in FQT. Then we argue that FQT ...
And then there is the use of entanglement for quantum computing, but I'll leave that for someone else. Have we proven quantum entanglement? For more than 50 years, scientists worldwide experimented with Bell's Theorem but were never able to test the theory fully. In 2015, however, three ...
Entanglement has been shown to be one of the most essential aspects of quantum mechanics andoccurs in the real world all the time. Researchers frequently conduct experiments using quantum entanglement and the phenomenon is part of the basis for the emerging field ofquantum computing. ...
Quantum computing promises a revolution in computational capabilities. This accessible quantum computing market report evaluates key technologies, companies, drivers for growth and adoption barriers across this emerging industry. Multiple competing quant
2an approach that is often regarded more tractable is to analyze how certain modifications of quantum computing affect its computational power. For instance, one may consider restrictions on the set of allowed quantum resources, and ask under which condition the possibility of universal quantum ...
All quantum computing is hybrid. From simple pre- and post-processing of results to complex operations on the qubit lifetime, in all known applications of quantum computing, classical computers work in tandem with quantum computers. In this post, you will learn how AWS and NVIDIA are teaming...
The key idea for analog quantum computing is very simple, in the end. Instead of using a spin to represent a bit, |0> or |1>, use it to represent a continuous variable, |theta>. That's just like modern neural networks, which get past 0 and 1, and make use of bounded continuous...
is to move to a different computing paradigm. One such paradigm is provided by the theoryofquantumcomputation,whichisbasedontheideaofusingquantummechanics toperformcomputations, insteadofclassicalphysics.Itturnsoutthatwhileanordinary computer can be used to simulate a quantum computer, it appears to be...