代尔夫特理工大学 Delft University of Technology PhD Position Computer Science in Quantum Networks and Quantum Computing荷兰 Ph.D.直招 0 2018 秋季 2018-08-20 PhD直招项目介绍 PhD positions are available at QuTech, Delft University of Technology to work on quantum communication networks. Background ...
比如 IBM Zurich 也有做 Quantum optimization and machine learning 的. 他們那的phd position也可以問一...
According to Debdeep Ghosal a PhD researcher at the University of Basel, one needs to understand that quantum computers, as opposed to digital computers, are based on transistors and that they use the principle of superposition of states to encode the quantum bits instead of binary digits. In ...
A reference list with deep coverage of quantum computing topics if you want to learn more about quantum computer programming.
A reference list with deep coverage of quantum computing topics if you want to learn more about quantum computer programming.
The world's biggest companies are now launching quantum computing programs, and governments are pouring money into quantum research. For systems that have yet prove useful, quantum computers are certainly garnering lots of attention. Special Report The CIO's guide to Quantum computing Quantum computer...
“I was born and raised in Puerto Rico but moved to Stanford (California, USA). I did my PhD in Condensed Matter Theory. After that, I worked for a couple of years at the Max Planck Institute in Dresden, Germany; I then worked for the U.S. Department of State, where I was buildin...
Research internships are the most traditional of our internships, typically targeting graduate students pursuing a PhD in quantum computing. These internships focus on the exploration of new research directions under guidance of full-time researchers on our team. This position covers multiple projects ...
“Our work presents the principles that govern how you can and cannot correctly program a quantum computer,” said lead author and CSAIL PhD student Charles Yuan SM ’22. “One of these laws implies that if you try to program a quantum computer using the same basic instructions as a regular...
an MIT PhD student in electrical engineering and computer science and the lead author on a newpaperabout Twist. “Because understanding quantum programs requires understanding entanglement, we hope that Twist paves the way to languages that make the unique challenges of quantum computing more accessibl...