An introduction to quantum computing. OUP Oxford, 2006. 9.1 经典错误校正(Classical Error Correction) 错误模型(error model):它描述了一个比特集合的演化过程。 信道(channel):无误差(error-free)信道称为恒等信道(identity channel),其不会对bit产生影响。 最经典的错误模型是比特翻转(bit-flip)模型,其以...
Considers an error-correction method for quantum computers. Measurement of decoherence intervals; Quantification of specific energy requirement for specific decoherence times; Approaches to quantum computations; Algorithm used for quantum error correction.JohnsonR.ColinEBSCO_AspElectronic Engineering Times...
量子计算(Quantum Computing)代表了计算科技的前沿,揭示了信息处理和计算能力的无限可能。与传统计算机基于经典物理学的二进制系统不同,量子计算利用量子力学的原理来进行计算,这使得它在处理复杂问题和解决特定任务时展现出巨大的潜力。本文将详细探讨量子计算的基本概念、核心技术、实际应用、面临的挑战以及未来的发展趋势,...
超导量子计算 superconducting quantum computing 一种以超导量子比特为基本信息单元的量子计算方案。 半导体量子计算 semiconductor quantum computing 一种以半导体量子比特为信息单元的量子计算方案。注:又称量子点量子计算(quantum dot quantum computing) 。 光量子计算 optical quantum computing 一种通过对光量子比特的操...
Quantum Correction 量子纠错是确保量子计算可靠性的关键技术: ·量子比特错误纠正(Qubit Error Correction):通过编码和冗余技术纠正量子计算中的错误。例如,表面代码(Surface Code)和颜色编码(Color Code)。 ·容错量子计算(Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing):实现容错的量子计算方法,例如,通过量子纠错码...
But now, IBM scientists published the discovery ofnew codes1that work with ten times fewer qubits. Practical error correction is far from a solved problem. However, these new codes and other advances across the field are increasing our confidence that fault tolerant quantum computing isn’t just...
V. Surface code quantum computing by lattice surgery. New J. Phys. 14, 123011 (2012). Article ADS MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Ofek, N. et al. Extending the lifetime of a quantum bit with error correction in superconducting circuits. Nature 536, 441–445 (2016). Article ADS CAS ...
Quantum error correction1–4 provides a path to reach practical quantum computing by combining multiple physical qubits into a logical qubit, in which the logical error rate is suppressed exponentially as more qubits are added. However, this exponential
Next steps towards MegaQuOp computing: Deltaflow 2 Deltaflow 2 performs real-time error correction on up to 250 physical qubits with Riverlane's high-accuracy proprietary Local Clustering Decoder (LCD). Integrates with any qubit technology and any control system via a commonQEC Interface. ...
Surface code: This is a topological error correction code that uses a two-dimensional lattice of qubits to encode logical qubits. It has a high error correction threshold and is considered one of the most promising techniques for large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computing. The surface code is...