喜欢读"Quantum Computation and Quantum Information"的人也喜欢· ··· Quantum Computing since Democ...9.4 Computational Complexity9.4 A Course in Combinatorics9.0 Statistical Mechanics9.3 Naive Lie Theory9.9 The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol...9.8 Introductory...
The main structure of duality quantum computer and duality mode, the duality mode, their mathematical description and algorithm designs are reviewed.doi:10.1016/j.fmre.2021.01.007Yue HaoGui-Lu Long自然科学基础研究:英文版Special theme issue, "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing", co-edited by...
以下内容,主要参考:Quantum computing and Quantum information, Nielsen. (5.1 The quantum Fourier transform) 大致的文章思路和所涉及的练习题,均参考上述书籍,可以看作是阅读笔记。 具体量子傅里叶电路的搭建和代码实现,可以参考额外参考资料的链接(利用Qiskit搭建量子傅里叶电路)。 The quantum Fourier transform ...
Polluxxx (晨光里 太阳爬上天空的肩膀) 看样子作者们没有cover entanglement in "as much depth as we would have liked",好奇他们cover到什么程度了,毕竟entanglement是quantum computing的key elements之一。 Will come back to update this note later. 2020-12-10 13:18:29 展开...
超导量子计算 superconducting quantum computing 一种以超导量子比特为基本信息单元的量子计算方案。 半导体量子计算 semiconductor quantum computing 一种以半导体量子比特为信息单元的量子计算方案。注:又称量子点量子计算(quantum dot quantum computing) 。 光量子计算 optical quantum computing 一种通过对光量子比特的操...
量子quantumcomputationinformation计算信息 Statistical Science 2012, Vol. 27, No. 3, 373–394 DOI: 10.1214/11-STS378 © Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2012 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Yazhen Wang Abstract. Quantum computation and quantum information are of great cur- rent interes...
Quantum Computing Research (M Chiba and Y Kondo) Introduction to Surface Code Quantum Computation (Y Wan) Quantum Computing and Number Theory (Y Sasaki) Linear Preservers in Nonclassical Correlation Theories: An Introduction (A SaiToh, R Rahimi and M Nakahara) Identification of the Hamiltonian of ...
Quantum information and computing in multilevel systems / We have studied the extension of the new field of quantum computing to the multilevel domain, where the information is stored in a coherent superposition of more than two levels. Interference and entanglement, the hallmarks of quantum me.....
is to move to a different computing paradigm. One such paradigm is provided by the theoryofquantumcomputation,whichisbasedontheideaofusingquantummechanics toperformcomputations, insteadofclassicalphysics.Itturnsoutthatwhileanordinary computer can be used to simulate a quantum computer, it appears to be...
The topics include quantum computing, communication, and quantum sensing. Because of space limitations, a few other papers will be published in subsequent issues. In an invited editorial, Prof. Jurgen Mlynek, Chair of the Strategic Advisory Board of the European Quantum Flagship, described the most...