Really, may be our brain is a quantum computer (R. Penrose, The Emperor's New Mind, Oxford University Press, New York, 1989, R. Penrose, Shadows of the Mind, Oxford University Press, New York, 1994)? We know that a quantum computer is highly parallel device with principally insuperable...
environmental decoherence be avoided and quantum super- QUANTUM COMPUTATION IN BRAIN MICROTUBULES:... PHYSICAL REVIEW E 65 061901 position sustained long enough for the system to reach threshold for OR? In the original orch. OR formulation, it was assumed that decoherence would have to be avoided ...
Don’t build a conventional computer from quantum building blocks. Solve intractable problems by encoding them into real-world phenomena. Observe them over time. Creating quantum registers, memory, and circuits, does not make sense if we already have existing phenomena to study with precise sensors...
In: 2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT) (2017). Nagaich, S., Goswami, Y.C.: Shor’s algorithm for quantum numbers using MATLAB simulator. In: 2015 Fifth International Conference on Advanced...
Classical reinforcement learning (CRL) has been widely applied in neuroscience and psychology; however, quantum reinforcement learning (QRL), which shows superior performance in computer simulations, has never been empirically tested on human decision-making. Moreover, all current successful quantum models...
In quantum computation non classical features such as superposition states and entanglement are used to solve problems in new ways, impossible on classical digital computers.We illustrate by Deutsch algorithm how a quantum computer can use superposition states to outperform any classical computer. We com...
Thagard. Is the brain a quantum computer? Cognitive Sci. 30, 593–603 (2006). 13. S. R. Hameroff. The brain is both neurocomputer and quantum computer. Cognitive Sci. 31, 1035–1045 (2007). 14. J. K. Goeree & C. A. Holt. Ten little treasures of game theory and ten intuitive...
Owais is interested in occupational health and safety, computer hardware, industrial and mobile robotics. During his academic career, Owais worked on several research projects regarding mobile robots, notably the Autonomous Fire Fighting Mobile Robot. The designed mobile robot could navigate, detect and...
Computer science Quantum information Qubits npj Quantum Information (npj Quantum Inf)ISSN2056-6387(online) Sign up for theNature Briefing: AI and Roboticsnewsletter — what matters in AI and robotics research, free to your inbox weekly. Email address ...
Does a computer have an inner life? Can it say “I” and mean it? This is the big and scary question lurking in the background whenever we talk about computer art.For some people the immediate answer is “Obviously not.” For others it's “Why not?&#...