Technology Magazine looks at 10 of the leading companies in the development of quantum computing, one of the next big trends in the technology world
TechnologyQuantum Computing Companies Aim To Go Where No Computer Has Gone Before A race is on to merge two of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century — computer science and quantum physics — to achieve a giant leap in technology called quantum computing. (© Dave Cutler)...
Quantum Computing News and Quantum News. Technology News from around the planet. Exciting Latest Developments in Quantum Tech.
The Strangeworks Quantum Computing platform provides tools to access and program quantum computing devices. The Strangeworks IDE is platform-agnostic, and integrates all hardware, software frameworks, and supporting languages, the company said. To facilitate this goal, Strangeworks manages assembly, integ...
Take a simple example: if a qubit is in a superposition of states 0 and 1 and performs a calculation with another qubit in a similar superposition, it would yield four outcomes – 0/1, 0/0, 1/0, and 1/1. These outcomes are visible when the quantum computer is in a state of decoh...
Since 2000, quantum computing has been a huge focus for tech companies. Today, the race is on to deliver the first quantum computer... Blog Post The current state of quantum computing: Between hype and revolution February 19, 2021 - Current research indicates that quantum computing is on th...
Quantum computing technology was witnessing increasing global demand during the pre-COVID-19 period, as companies were making strategic partnerships and collaborations and undertaking patent registrations to enhance their position in the market. During the pre-COVID-19 scenario, the key factor driving ...
The quantum computer pushes the limits of knowledge--new science, new engineering-- all leading to this processor that computes with the atomic forces that created the universe. Dario Gil: I think this moment, it feels to us like the pioneers of the 1940s and 50s that were building the fi...
The concept of quantum computing has been floating around for some time now. And researchers in different parts of the world have been ferocious in their endeavors to build a quantum computer that can be used for practical and relevant computing, not jus
Learning quantum computing and exploring IBM quantum technology. Access to Qiskit Runtime as a Service Access to 100+ qubit utility-scale quantum computers Sign up on IBM Quantum Platform Pay-as-you-go Starting at $96 USD / minute Pay for what you use. Billed per second of usage via IBM ...