(5) 硬件问题: error, qubit numbers etc. 补充一下,现在人们关注的是在现有NISQ(noisy intermediate-scale quantum computer)下, 有什么好的算法可以实现量子的优越性,其中比较重要的两个就是VQE和QAOA了,上文中没有专门的介绍,以后有时间专门补上。 文章的主要参考资料为综述文献J. Biamonte Nature2017,算法的...
星子计算机 quantum computer 一种遵循量子力学规律进行数学和逻辑运算,存储及处理量子信息的物理装置。 超导量子计算 superconducting quantum computing 一种以超导量子比特为基本信息单元的量子计算方案。 半导体量子计算 semiconductor quantum computing 一种以半导体量子比特为信息单元的量子计算方案。注:又称量子点量子计算...
In subject area: Computer Science Quantum Machine Learning is a novel field that merges classical Machine Learning with Quantum Information Processing, leveraging quantum computing principles like superposition and entanglement to address challenges in traditional machine learning, such as data volume and com...
This is desirable because simple (although computationally expensive) vector operations underlie a lot of computer science in general and machine learning algorithms specifically.The quantum versions of linear algebra operations Seth focuses on are:
such algorithms are useful for creating an effective spam filter, for example, or for detecting fraudulent bank transactions. this can be done on a single computer, with all the data in one place. machine learning typically uses many processors, each handling a little bit of the problem. but...
PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum chemistry. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural network. pythonmachine-learningdeep-learningneural-networkqmltensorflowoptimizationquantumdifferentiable-computingautomatic-differentiationpytorchaut...
quantumcomputerisabletoworkwithmultiplevariablessimultaneously,itcanbeusedto quicklynarrowtherangeofpossibleanswers.Fromthere,classicalcomputingcanbeusedtozeroinononepreciseanswer. 3.QuantumAI.Quantumcomputershavethe potentialtoworkwithbetteralgorithmsthat couldtransformmachinelearningacrossa diverserangeofindustries,from...
Machine learning applications for noisyintermediate-scale quantum computersBrian CoyleTHEUNIVERSITYOFEDINBURGHDoctor of PhilosophyLaboratory for Foundations of Computer ScienceSchool of InformaticsUniversity of Edinburgh2022arXiv:2205.09414v1 [quant-ph] 19 May 2022 ...
Quantum computer uses and application areas A quantum computer can't do everything faster than a classical computer, but there are a few areas where quantum computers have the potential to make a big impact.Quantum simulation Quantum computers work exceptionally well for modeling other quantum ...
以目前的实验手段能够制造出来的量子计算机一般称为 带噪声的中型量子计算机(Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum computer, NISQ),拥有10^1\sim10^2量级的量子比特,并且无法彻底排除噪声的影响,导致不能作用任意宽 & 任意深的量子线路。 这导致一些著名的指数加速的量子算法并不能在近期获得实现,如 Shor算法、HHL 算法...