was supported in part by College of Science and Mathematics Dean’s Doctoral Research Fellowship through fellowship support from Oracle, project ID R20000000025727. S.L. was supported by DARPA, AFOSR, and ARO under a Blue Sky grant. Author information Author notes These authors contributed equally...
QOLS, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London, UK M. S. Kim Korea Institute of Advanced Study, Dongdaemoon-Gu, Seoul, South Korea M. S. Kim Contributions X.-M.J. and M.S.K. conceived and supervised the project. H.T. and X.-M.J. designed the experiment. C.D.F.,...
for Teachers for Schools for Working Scholars® for College Credit Log In Sign Up Plans Subjects Courses Test Prep Teach Tutoring Science Courses / General Studies Science: Help & Review Spin Quantum Number | Overview & Examples
Imperial College Press (1998) Google Scholar Nika, D.L., Pokatilov, E.P., Askerov, A.S., Balandin, A.A.: Phonon thermal conduction in graphene: role of Umklapp and edge roughness scattering. Phys. Rev. B. 79, 155413 (2009) Article Google Scholar Savchenko, A.: Transforming ...
In encryption, non-malleability is a highly desirable property: it ensures that adversaries cannot manipulate the plaintext by acting on the ciphertext. In [6], Ambainis et al. gave a definition of non-malleability for the encryption of quantum data. In
aTheAdvancedCentreforBiochemicalEngineering,DepartmentofChemical&BiochemicalEngineering,UniversityCollegeLondon,TorringtonPlace,LondonWC1E7JEUKbDepartmentofChemicalandBiologicalSciences(Hudders)eldUniversity,Queensgate(Hudders)eldHD13DH,UK Received28November2000;receivedinrevisedform15November2001;accepted29November2001 Abstr...
CollegeofPhysicalScienceandTechnology,YiliUniversity,Yining,Xinjiang835000,China 6 HefeiNationalLaboratoryforPhysicalSciencesatMicroscaleandDepartmentofModernPhysics, UniversityofScienceandTechnologyofChina,Hefei,Anhui230026,China 7 BeijingComputationalScienceResearchCenter,Beijing100193,China ...
(logn)parameters and yet they are capable of classifying quantum states into distinct phases. Our theory guarantees that QCNNs have good generalization error for quantum phase recognition with only polylogarithmic training resources,N∈O(log2n). We support this guarantee with a numerical ...
Quantum systems are promising candidates for sensing of weak signals as they can be highly sensitive to external perturbations, thus providing excellent performance when estimating parameters of external fields. However, when trying to detect weak signal