Physics.conforming to quantum-mechanical rather than classical theory, usually resulting in discrete values for observable quantities, such as energy or angular momentum: String theory has attracted attention because it provides a quantized description of gravity. ...
Define unquantized. unquantized synonyms, unquantized pronunciation, unquantized translation, English dictionary definition of unquantized. or adj having unlimited or unrestricted values and states Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 1
Each of the images depicted in Figs. 4 and 8 is represented with 8 bits of gray-level resolution — meaning that bits less significant than the 8th bit have been rounded or truncated. This number of bits is quite common for two reasons: first, using more bits will generally not improve ...
It can be derived by canonical quantization, the dissipation term has a clear physical meaning, the equation preserves the uncertainty relations, an...K. K. Kan and J. J. Griffin : Phys. Lett. B , 50 , 241 (1974).Kan, K. K., Griffin, J. J.: Quantized Friction and the ...
This phenomenon was checked in [11] in the case of the mirror curve of the geometry known as the resolution of C3/Z5, for = 2π. This subset of solutions of the difference equation with enhanced decay will be called "fully on-shell", meaning that values of the true moduli are "on-...
Physics - OpticsThe Chern index characterizes the topological phases of nonreciprocal photonic systems. Unlike in electronic systems, the photonic Chern number has no clear physical meaning, except that it determines the net number of unidirectional edge states supported by an interface with a trivial ...
original 3D bulk14,22. For the thicker film, the bulk Fermi surface remains 3D, meaning that the bulk state is still in a gapless DSM phase. While the surface QH states appear at higher fields, the bulk quantum oscillations remain on the background (see also Supplementary Figs.6and7for ...
内容提示: Molecular Simulations of Quantized Lamellar Thickening in Polyethylenes withRegularly Spaced Brominated GroupsKutlwano Gabana, 1 Gillian A. Gehring, 1 Hendrik Meyer, 2Goran Ungar, 3,4 Xiangbing Zeng, 4, ∗ and William S. Fall 2,5, †1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, ...
might be inadequate if viewed from a point at the edge of physics and philosophy as von Weizs¨ acker did. He pointed out the fundamental meaning of time for quantum theory, as opposed to space [8]. In the context of noncommutative theories, the case that noncommutativity is restricted to...
Using results from Hodge theory, we provide the general form of these periods in a quantized three-cycle basis. Based on these periods we compute the prepotential and related physical couplings of the underlying supergravity theory. Moreover, we elucidate the meaning of the model-dependent ...