任务:基于动作的人体运动(human motion)生成。该模型可以同时基于给定的时间长度和动作类别生成人体运动。 原因:虽然近期的工作证明神经网络可以在无过去运动序列(past motion sequence)的情况下合成某个动作,但在人体动作建模的应用中,确实有很多需要基于过去观测到的动作序列,比如说,基于视觉算法的机器人需要根据观测到...
These hashing methods consist of two types: two-stage hashing and learning-based hashing. In this paper, we focus on putting forward to a two-stage hashing called quantization-based hashing (QBH) to alleviate the efficiency bottleneck and improve the recommendation accuracy as well. To be ...
Novel methods and systems for quantization based data embedding and reading in host signals, such as image, audio and video signals. To embed auxiliary data in a host signal, an embedder maps the host
The main goal of this study consists in the development of the (WCAA) for \({\mid{\mathcal M}\mid}\) -ary quantization-based data-hiding methods using as design criteria the error probability and the maximum achievable rate of reliable communications. Our analysis focuses on the practical ...
摘要: The paper introduces new classes of numerical ODE solvers that base their internal discretization method on state quantization instead of time slicing. These solvers have been coined Quantized State System (QSS) simulators.关键词: discrete event system quantized state systems stiff systems ...
[TKDE'24] Optimizing the Number of Clusters for Billion-scale Quantization-based NNS TL;DR 针对clustering-based 方法,调节 #cluster ,提高 ANNS performance Motivation 在clustering-based 方法中,#cluster 对 performance 的影响非常重要,作者给出了一个 Table 1,以验证其观点...
Quantization-Based Modulation and Coding Scheme for Mobile FronthaulA method implemented in a communication device, including receiving, by the communication device, quantized in-phase and quadrature (IQ) bits of an input signal, separating, by the communication device, the IQ bits into most-...
building simulationHVAClarge scale systemhybrid modelsModels describing energy consumption, heating, and cooling of buildings usually impose difficulties to the numerical integration algorithms used to simulate them. Stiffness and the presence of frequent discontinuities are among the main causes of those ...
Quantization is an approach to distributed logical simulation in which the value space is quantized and trajectories are represented by the crossings of a set of thresholds. This is an alternative to the common approach which discretizes the time base of a continuous trajectory to obtain a finite...
Conventional quantization index modulation (QIM) watermarking uses the fixed quantization step size for the host signal.This scheme is not robust against geometric distortions and may lead to poor fidelity in some areas of content.Thus,we proposed a quantization-based image watermarking in the dual ...