Synonyms for Quantization error in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Quantization error. 1 synonym for quantization: quantisation. What are synonyms for Quantization error?
A synonym is .The crucial correspondence map from phase-space functions to operators underlying the method is called the , (not to be confused with a different definition of the ), and was first detailed by in 1927.In some contrast to Weyl's original intentions in seeking a consistent ...
quantization distortiondoi:10.1007/1-4020-0613-6_15226The distortion that results from a quantization process, including the errors in the output analog and digital signals. Synonymquantizing distortion. See alsoanalog, analog signal, distortion, digital...Martin H. WeikSpringer US...
The concept of "exergy" that denotes the capability of doing work of a compound system in Thermodynamics is introduced into the study, on the stipulation of the synonymity of system function with the generalized exergy brought forward by the author, a new method of the quantization of function...