由微分器、积分器构成的ΔΣ调变电路,会因其微分特性而对量化杂讯(Quantization noise)产生一种高通滤波的效果。一般线 … zh.wikipedia.org|基于37个网页 3. 量化噪音 显然,这个回路的作用就是控制量化噪音(quantization noise),让其保持在听觉心理学提供的屏蔽临界线(masking threshold)以… ...
Quantization Noise 作者:Widrow, Bernard/ Kollar, Istvan 出版年:2008-8 页数:778 定价:$ 155.94 ISBN:9780521886710 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
quantization noise 量化噪声,量子化失真,分层噪声相关短语 inverse Compton effect (量子) 逆康普顿效应 objective approach (社会阶层分类的方法之一) 客观法 infinite amount of vaporization (分馏时无限汽化) 无限蒸发 correlation table (地层) 对比表 omission (地层) 缺失 Malpighian layer (生育层) 马氏层 epire...
while Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR), representing the more indicative parameter for the quantizer performance assessment, is defined as [1-3]: Three-Level Delta Modulation with Second-Order Prediction for Gaussian Source Coding Allan variance method could be used to analyze the common fi...
Noise that (a) is caused by the error of approximation in a quantization process and (b) is dependent upon (i) the particular quantization process that is used and (ii) the statistical characteristics of the quantized signal. Note: Quantization noise can be filtered before transmission. If ...
将“quantization noise"翻译成西班牙文 distorsión de cuantificación, ruido de cuantificación是“quantization noise"到 西班牙文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Also, quantization noise can be "hidden" where they would be masked by more prominent sounds. ↔ También, la cuantificación del ruido ...
Quantization Noise 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 If you are working in digital signal processing, control or numerical analysis, you will find this authoritative analysis of quantization noise (roundoff error) invaluable. Do you know where the theory of quantization noise comes from, and unde...
The inherent nonlinearity of quantizers makes their analysis hoth difficult and Interesting, It usually has been accomplished either by assuming the quantizer noise to be a signal-independent, uniform white random process or by replacing the quantizer by a deterministic linear device, or by combining...
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QuantizationNoise AbsoluteandRelativeAccuracy DistortionAnalysis ()1-hm01mNΧ N 2 A Pm ≤≤+= ()0kΧ= THEOREM:IfN P isanintegerandx(t)isbandlimitedto f MAX ,then andforallknotdefinedabove whereistheDFTofthesequence f=1/T,and () 1N 0k kΧ − = () 1N 0k S kTx − = MAX P...