Related to quantity discount:cash discount,trade discount A lowerpriceper unit a company charges in exchange for the purchase of a large number of units. For example, if the usualpricefor a product is $5 per unit and abuyerasks to purchase 10,000 units, the company may offer a quantity...
1To maximize its profit, supplier adopts quantity discounts to screen theretailers.供应商采用数量折扣策略对零售商进行信息甄别,最大化供应商的期望利润.2Quantity Discounts in a Supply Chain and its Effects on the WholePerformance供应链环境下的批量折扣及其对整体绩效的影响00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告...
8.We hope to enlarge our trade with your country and intend to grant you a 5%discount, 我们希望扩大与贵国的贸易,并准备给你方5%的折扣。 9.We give a l0%discount only for cash payment. 对于现金付款,我们才给予l0%的优惠。 10.Only for very special customers do we allow them a l0%disco...
quality and quantity 质量和数量 a large quantity of adj. 大量的 small quantity 小量,少量 order quantity 订货量;订购量;订单数量 a great quantity of (接可数或不可数)大量 a small quantity of 少量的 quantities of 许多…… production quantity 生产量 quantity discount 数量折扣,大批量折扣 quantity的...
Learn about the quantity discount or bulk discount, and understand its utility in business. Explore the quantity discount model and examples of...
The traditionally-used periodic-cost minimization methodology which is insensitive to differences in the timing of various within-period cash flows is replaced with a discounted cash flow methodology. Differences in the characteristics of day-terms and date-terms solutions to the quantity discount case ...
Quantity Discount)Also found in: Dictionary, Financial, Wikipedia. Related to Quantity Discount: cash discount, trade discountCategory filter: AcronymDefinition QD Quaque Die (Latin: Daily) QD Quand (French: when) QD Quick Disconnect QD Quantum Dot QD Quick Detachable (firearm accessory) QD ...
B:Doesn‘t the quantity discount apply on this order ? 这次下的单子没有大宗折扣吗? quantity是什么意思 A:No ,I‘m sorry ,but it doesn‘t. 抱歉,没有。 quantity的反义词 B:Why not? 为什么没有? A:Because these items are from different shipments. ...
quantity discount 数量折扣,大批量折扣 quantity的用法就这么多,所以对于第一段中的问题,我想同学们心中也早已有了答案。学习就是这样,只要你用心,而且有耐心,无论多难的知识,你一定也会掌握的很好。 返回目录くくく ▼quantity的用法例句 Place a quantity of mud in a jar with water above.将一定量的泥放在...