Ensure it is in your data model. Create a measure for Shortage: Instead of having three separate measures, you can create one measure for Shortage. SHORTAGE =CALCULATE(SUM(Table1[Item Quantity]),Table1[Type] = "CONTAINER") - CALCULATE(SUM(Table1[Item Quantity]),Table1[Ty...
Hello, I have something I am trying to solve and have been searching all over. I have a sheet made to help keep track of stuff taken from the warehouse. We have a scanner that pulls from a sheet that has prices and that all works fine. The Issue I am having is having the quantity...
public static DataSet webData(string orderNo) {string strSql = "select a.Quantity,bb.colorTyp_Name,a.ship_date,c.sp_name,a.Remark,a.bcp_ydFinishTime,a.cy_ydFinishTime,b.PapType_Name from dbo.p_Order a left join PaperType b on a.pap_typeId=b.PapType_id left join dbo.tb_colorTy...
in (44) 这样是对的 public static DataSet webData(string orderNo) { string strSql = "select a.Quantity,bb.colorTyp_Name,a.ship_date,c.sp_name,a.Remark,a.bcp_ydFinishTime,a.cy_ydFinishTime,b.PapType_Name from dbo.p_Order a left join PaperType b on a.pap_typeId=b.PapType_id ...
It could be DECIMAL datatype as well Best Regards, Uri Dimant SQL Server MVPhttp://dimantdatabasesolutions.blogspot.com/http://sqlblog.com/blogs/uri_dimant/ In the SQL server data type automatic choosedecimal(18, 0), its changeable?Developing is part of being a developer....
benefit_type str or BenefitKind The benefit type. Supported values: 'SavingsPlan'. Known values are: "IncludedQuantity", "Reservation", and "SavingsPlan". usage_date datetime Date corresponding to the utilization summary record. If the grain of data is month...
Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms On OTM version 6.2.2 when attempting to interface orders from EBS to GTM the following error occurs. ERROR --- java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (GLOGOWNER.FK_GTLQ_GTM_QUANTITY_TYPE_GID) violated - pare...
getSQLStatement Gets the SQL statement that is used to return records from the database. (Inherited from xRecord.) getTableInInstanceHierarchy (Inherited from xRecord.) getTableType Indicates the type of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) getTimeOutTimerHandle Returns the timer handle for the ...
php echo $product['quantity'];?>"/><inputtype="hidden"name="p_id[]"value="<?php echo $key;?>"/>