In simple words, this method involves analyzing a particular event or a phenomenon as qualitative data to understand how and why a phenomenon takes place and its scope on the impact on the respective research topic. This research method uses qualitative data procured from different sources such as...
In simple terms, quantitative data is measurable while qualitative data is descriptive—think numbers versus words. If you plan on working as a data analyst or a data scientist (or in any field that involves conducting research, like psychology), you’ll need to get to grips with both. In ...
In simple words, discrete data can take only certain values and cannot include fractions. On the other side, continuous data can be divided into fractions and may take nearly any numeric value. For instance, a company's net profit of $100593,74 is continuous data. The same happens wi...
In simple terms, in QtPR it is often useful to understand theory as a lawlike statement that attributes causality to sets of variables, although other conceptions of theory do exist and are used in QtPR and other types of research (Gregor, 2006). One common working definition that is often...
These structureddata collection methodscomprise polls, surveys, questionnaires, etc., and may have questions like the ones shown in the following image: As you can see, all the variables are measurable. This ensures the research is in-depth and provides less erroneous data for reliable, actionable...
Common qualitative methods include interviews with open-ended questions, observations described in words, andliterature reviewsthat explore concepts and theories. Qualitative research is also at risk for certain research biases includingthe Hawthorne effect,observer bias,recall bias, andsocial desirability bia...
Qualitative research is all about language, expression, body language and other forms of human communication. That covers words, meanings and understanding. Qualitative research is used to describe WHY. Why do people feel the way they do, why do they act in a certain way, what opinions do the...
Qualitative Research Qualitative research is any which does not involve numbers or numerical data. It often involves words or language, but may also use pictures or photographs and observations. Almost any phenomenon can be examined in a qualitative way, and it is often the preferred method of in...
The room is30 feetin width. In all of the above examples, there is a numerical value in each data. Advantages of Quantitative Data The main advantages ofquantitative dataare: For Extensive Research– Statistical analysis comes easy withquantitative data. Such data offer a detailed and better und...
Control: process where an individual both prevents personal biases from interfering with the research study and makes sure there are no other explanations for what is seen in the study. Empirical generalizations——— Empirical generalization is an attempt to describe a phenomenon based on what we k...