Chapter 1 Quantitative research in education: Impact on evidence-based instructionQuantitative research is based on epistemic beliefs that can be traced back to David Hume. Hume and others who followed in his wake suggested that we can never directly observe cause and effect. Rather we perceive ...
Hanley et al. offer an overview of core principles of quantitative research and how these might be used to answer descriptive, comparative or relationship-based research questions. Following on from this, the authors discuss adventurous projects attempti
In the first chapter, while exploring the types of research, we have mentioned that when there is uncertainty or when the problem is not clearly defined, we deploy exploratory research and use qualitative studies for it. When there is little or no ambiguity and the business problem is structure...
Chapter1,“TheSelectionofaResearchDesign,”advancestheframework forresearchdesign,includingphilosophicalworldviews(e.g.,post-posi- tivism,constructivism,advocacy/participatory,andpragmatism),research methods(i.e.,qualitative,quantitative,andmixedmethods),andstrategies ofinquirywithineachparadigm(i.e.,groundedtheory...
et al. ePlant for quantitative and predictive plant science research in the big data era—Lay the foundation for the future model guided crop breeding, engineering and agronomy. Quant Biol 5, 260–271 (2017). Download citation Received28 March 2017...
To qualitatively analyze the same risk, you would research the risk, and agree that the likelihood is a 2, and the consequences are a 4, and use the Risk Analysis matrix to determine a risk of “high.” View chapter Chapter Evolution of a Firewall: From Proxy 1.0 to ISA 2004 ...
CHAPTERONE AFramework Fordesign Inthepasttwodecades,researchapproacheshavemultipliedtoapoint atwhichinvestigatoryorinquireshavemanychoices.Forthose designingaproposalorplan,Irecommendthatageneralframeworkbe adoptedtoprovideguidanceaboutallfacetsofthestudy,fromassessing ...
91 5 Applying the Qualitative-Quantitative Inter active Continuum This chapter begins with procedures that can be used in critiquing research, with actual ... CS Ridenour,I Newman - 《Nursing Standard》 被引量: 736发表: 2008年 Doing Mixed Methods Research Pragmatically: Implications for the Redisco...
V.W. is supported by a German Research Foundation research fellowship WE 6221/1-1. Author information Author notes Tobias Wernet Present address: Center for Biological Systems Analysis, Freiburg, Germany Authors and Affiliations Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute...