"Population decline and extinction of many species is a worldwide phenomenon. Because quantitative methods are either lacking or not applied population declines are often poorly understood … . The present book aims to contribute to close this gap by introducing several different quantitative methods th...
Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences is a book series designed to foster research-based conversation with all parts of the university campus – from buildings of ivy-covered stone to technologically savvy walls of glass. Scholarship from international researchers and the esteemed ...
Methods of Quantitative Analysis Book Title Principles and Practice of X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis Book Part Part V Pages pp 571-641 Copyright 1975 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4613-4416-2_14 Print ISBN 978-1-4613-4418-6 Online ISBN 978-1-4613-4416-2 Publisher Springer US Copyright Holder Springer-...
doi:10.1080/00137916708928764AnsoffH. IgorTaylor & Francis GroupThe Engineering Economist
Quantitative Methods•书评点赞排序 | 评分排序 | 更新排序已经没有更多 图书栏目 文学 流行 文化 生活 经管 科技查字典 词典 考试 组卷 作文 语文 范文 板报 诗词 问答 培训 学校 视频 名言 教程 数学 英语 物理 化学 生物 历史 地理 政治 幼儿 小学 初中 高中 大学 小升初 中考 高考 自考 考研 ...
e. describe ways that data may be visualized and evaluate uses of specificvisualizations. 描述数据可视化的方式并评估特定可视化的使用。 g. calculate and interpret measures of central tendency. 计算和解释集中趋势的度量 h. evaluate alternative definitions of mean to address an investment problem 评估均值...
Quantitative Methods Heteroskedasticity 精品文档 Heterskedasticity OLS assumes homoskedastic error terms. In OLS, the data are homoskedastic if the error term does not have constant variance. If there is non-constant variance of the error terms, the error terms are related to some variable (or...
l. calculate and interpret the covariances of portfolio returns using the joint probability function 使用联合概率函数计算和解释投资组合收益的协方差。 m. calculate and interpret an updated probability using Bayes' formula 使用贝叶斯公式计算和解释更新的概率。
...Adrian HatosUniversity of OradeaJournal of Social Research & Policy
Quantitative andQualitative Risk Analysisare two methods for analyzing risk.Quantitative Risk Analysisuses hard metrics, such as dollars. Qualitative Risk Analysis uses simple approximate values. Quantitative is more objective; qualitative is more subjective.HybridRisk Analysiscombines the two: using quantita...