QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) identifies latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) which can aid efforts to prevent TB but its positive predictive value is imperfect in settings with low TB incidence. Methods: We performed a medical record review of all patients from 1 January 2011 to 25 ...
Simpson T, Fox J, Crouse K and Field K: Quantitative and quali‑ tative quantiferon((r))‑tb gold in‑tube results among groups with varying risks of exposure to tuberculosis. Heart Lung (2012) 41: 553‑561.Quantitative and qualitative QuantiFERON ? -TB Gold In-Tube results among...
SAXS may be considered as one of the ‘gold standard’ methods for the characterization of colloids, nanoparticles, proteins, and polymers in solution, as well as for various biomembrane systems. It is as well established for the characterization of different types of nano-scaled pharmaceutical prod...
Permutation testing was conducted with 1000 iterations to assess statistical significance at two levels: (1) an overall test for the entire linear model, and (2) term-specific permutation tests for each predictor to assess the significance of individual terms. The F-statistic from the original mod...
Results of the analysis of 52 early Greek and 4 late Roman empire gold coins are reported. Get PDF (575K) More content like this Find more content: like this article Find more content written by: L. AVALDI L. CONFALONIERI M. MILAZZO E. PALTRINIERI R. TESTI E. WINSEMANN-FALG...
In this study, a novel qPCR for the diagnosis of tuberculosis from stool specimens had a higher accuracy in adolescents and adults than the current diagnostic PCR gold standard on stool, Xpert-MTB/RIF Ultra, and equivalent sensitivity to Xpert-MTB/RIF Ultra on sputum. Funding National Institutes...
Reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction is currently considered the gold standard for the accurate, sensitive, and rapid measurement of gene expression. To obtain reliable data, a validation experiment to evaluate the best reference genes for the normalization of gene expression data ...
Consequently, the use of laboratory ACR as the gold standard in our study was a pragmatic rather than ideal choice. Our study also has several advantages, the large sample size from a rural population in South Africa represents an important demographic group where POC testing may be most ...
Moreover, the diagnostic tool used in most studies has been angiography, which is considered the gold standard for grading atherosclerotic lesions of the lower extremities.17 Nonetheless, some limitations for this technique must be considered. First, angiography only allows the specific study of the ...
Gold LS, De Roos AJ, Brown EE, Lan Q, Milliken K, Davis S, Chanock SJ, Zhang Y, Severson R, Zahm SH, Zheng T, Rothman N, Baris D: Associations of common variants in genes involved in metabolism and response to exogenous chemicals with risk of multiple myeloma. Cancer Epidemiol. 2009...