The log‐normal distribution is very popular for modeling positive right﹕kewed data and represents a common distributional assumption in many environmental applications. Here we consider the estimation of quantiles of this distribution from a Bayesian perspective. We show that the prior on the ...
a California Institute of TechnologyTaylor & Francis GroupTechnometricsEisenberger, 1. (1968). Testing the Mean and Standard Deviation of a Normal Distribution Using Quantiles. Technomenrics. 10)4) pp. 781-91. 18]Elder, Robert S. and Muse, H. David (1982). An Approximate Method for ...
confidence intervals. However, because of the discreteness of the binomial distribution, the size of coverage error is of order 0(n-1/2). In order to improve the accuracy, it is natural to use smoothing methods. Chen and Hall (1993) first applied the method of ...
GunnarScandinavian Actuarial JournalKulldorff, G. (1964a). On the optimum spacing of sample quantiles from a normal distribution. Part II. Skand. Aktuarietidskr. 47, 71-87. Errata, Skand. Aktuarietidskr. 55, 107. [S,O]Kulldorf, G. (1964). On the optimum spacing of sample quantiles,...
Best linear unbiased estimators for normal distribution quantiles for sample sizes up to to 20: Khatab M. Hassanein, A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh and Edward F. Brown. IEEE Trans. Reliab.R-35 (3), 327 (1986)doi:10.1016/0026-2714(87)90366-0...
Based on using the tools discussed in Chapter 4 to look at your data, and based on knowledge of the mechanism producing the data, you can model the data from your sampling program as having come from a particular kind of probability distribution. Once you decide on what probability ...
normal distribution (sufficient condition, not necessary). Here holds P{T min ≤θ < T max } = 1 −0.5 w−1 . (3) If the median is merely close to the expectation of an unbiased estimator, only F≈ 0.5 holds, and the MCI is only approximate. The error of the confidence ...
摘要: The problem of calculating joint confidence bands for the quantiles of the bivariate normal distribution is solved. Numerical implementation of the results is discussed and calculations are presented for selected cases.关键词: bivariate normal distribution quantiles confidence bands ...
log-normal distributionPareto distributionquantilesshrinkageExperiments and observational studies are two kinds of statistical investigations. Experiments are characterised by tight control over the processes involved. They tend to incur high expenditure per subject (unit), but have greater potential to ...
On the basis of these random variables, a nonparametric estimate of the one-step transition distribution function is shown to be uniformly (in the main argument) strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. Furthermore, for any p∈(0, 1), a natural nonparametric estimate of the p-th quantile...