UNCERTAINTY (Information theory)ENGINEERINGEngineering work is intangible and difficult to measure and manage. Engineering project tasks entail various degrees of uncertainty and equivocality (U&E). Quantifying U&E of project tasks helps understand and manage engineering work. This study developed an ...
A tutorial will be provided on the technologies known collectively as Generalized Information Theories (GIT). These technologies will be summarized, then illustrated within the context of simple structural mechanics or structural dynamics examples. A concept of the aggregated uncertainty...
the reliability of these inferences depends critically on reporting errors and latencies innate to the time series. Here, we develop an analytical framework to quantify the uncertainty induced by under-reporting and delays in reporting infections, as well as a metric for ranking surveillance data info...
assert violations, under uncertainty conditions in the environment. The technique has many applications beyond reliability analysis, ranging from program understanding and debugging to analysis of cyber-physical systems. In this paper we report on a novel application of the technique, namely Quantitative ...
The loss of the information can be caused by the molecular noise that governs signaling responses. Indeed, the maximum dMI are underestimates of the true biological value because all measurements are subject to technical noise or uncertainty. Pairwise stimuli distinction occurs in different temporal ...
data (large uncertainty) and too much datarn(effectively redundant and, therefore, a waste of time and money); 3) which testrnsequences provide the most information in the least amount of time; and 4) which typesrnof data transforms increase sensitivity to the hydraulic parameters of interest...
L. and Hunter, T. S. (2013), Quantifying parameter uncertainty and assessing the skill of exponential dispersion rainfall simulation models. Int. J. Climatol., 33: 746–757. doi: 10.1002/joc.3469 Author Information 1 NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 2...
Extending the Wisdom of Crowds: Quantifying Uncertainty Using the Mean and Variance of a Collection of Point EstimatesJudgment AggregationWisdom of CrowdsForecastingCombining InformationEstimationThe wisdom of crowds—combining information from a collection of individual judgments—offers a useful technique to ...
The fitness of players and the complexity of openings Not all openings are equally easy to play since some require a deep knowledge of chess theory. This is an aspect our opening network does not capture, but, as we will show, we can exploit the information contained in the player-opening...
process. To this end, we determine the sensitivity information—with respect to the output of interest—of all uncertain inputs in each candidate subspace for refinement by decomposing its associated variance into contributions corresponding to individual inputs and contributions corresponding to ...