Optimizing Blood Collection and Processing for Quantiferon-TB Gold in-Tube Testing Gives Low Rates of Indeterminate Results: Clinical Implicationstuberculosischildrenindeterminateinterferon-gamma release assayThe rate of low-mitogen indeterminate interferon-gamma release assay results at a hosp...
Quantiferon - TB Gold Plus Test产品名称,P010033 S045申请号,pma申请类型,QIAGEN申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
(TST),QFT-ITprovidesclinicianswithanaccurate,reliableandconvenientTBdiagnostictool.Studieshaveshownanoverall sensitivityofapproximately87.6%andaspecificityofapproximately99.2%.TheQFT-ITsystemutilizesspecializedblood collectiontubescontainingantigensrepresentingM.tuberculosisproteinsorcontrols. ...
Sample collection Blood was collected for QFT-GIT assays [24] and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) antibody testing using the Determine™ (Abbot Laboratories, Illinois, USA) HIV 1/2 rapid test. The tubes for the QFT-GIT assay were incubated on site with a portable incubator. HIV testing ...
Alternative diagnostic methods to the TST, T-cell based gamma interferon (IFNγ) release assays (IGRAs) have been developed and approved mainly for the diagnosis of LTBI and also as aid for the diagnosis of active TB [8]. Currently, there are three (T-SPOT.TB, QntiFERON-TB Gold and QF...
This study evaluated the efficacy of the following interferon (IFN)-γ release assays (IGRAs): QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus), QFT-Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT), and T-SPOT. TB (T-SPOT) with the quantitative values of IFN-γ response. Methods Blood samples were collected from patients ...
2020). Blood samples are collected using MTB antigen coated tubes are used for the collection of blood. IFN-y release is measured using Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) technique. TheQuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube is exactly the same test overcoming the limitations of QuantiFERON-TB Gold (Acharya et al...
QuantiFERON Gold orQuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT)is a simple blood test that is carried out to detect active tuberculosis infection caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis.This test is considered the most accurate test and gives reproducible results for TB infection. QFT is an assay known as interferon-gamm...
LIAISON QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) is an in vitro diagnostic assay for the indirect detection of infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). QFT-Plus testing consists of four tubes (controls and TB antigens) and detects interferon-纬 (IFN-纬) released by host cells...
QuantiFERON TB Gold PlusRefrigerationSample storageThe QuantiFERON TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) test is a newly approved interferon-gamma releasing assay test for detecting latent tuberculosis. Although blood samples for QFT test can be refrigerated for 48 h in lithium-heparin tubes according to package...