SymbolLast PriceChange TSCHX 19.13 1.43% Nuveen Quant Small Cap Equity Fund Inst TRLIX 23.20 0.30% Nuveen Large Cap Value Fund Retirement TRLUX 24.01 0.04% T. Rowe Price Large Cap Value Fund Investor Class DFALX 27.89 1.12% DFA Large Cap International Portfolio Inst PRRIX 10.14 0.00%...
Simple Moving Average 10.43 10.65 10.95 Last Price vs SMA +0.97% -1.08% -3.83% More On Moving Averages » Nuveen Quant International Small Cap Equity Fund I Class (TAISX) Frequently Asked QuestionsETFs Holding TAISX Sorry, this data cannot be displayed at the moment.Seeking...
强大的Nuveen Quant Small Cap Equity Fund R6 Class(TISEX)基金走势图表工具,展现历史和最新的Nuveen Quant Small Cap Equity Fund R6 Class基金净值,并可做专业的行情走势分析。
7×24小时,专业的PGIM Quant Solutions Small-Cap Value Fund- Class Z基金(TASVX)走势技术分析,净值涨跌趋势、技术指标、买入卖出信号一目了然。轻松把握PGIM Quant Solutions Small-Cap Value Fund- Class Z基金走势与投资机会。
Mutual fund investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Prices ofequity securitiesmay decline significantly over short or extended periods of time.Small-cap stocksinvolve substantial risk and potential increased price vola...
Fund Information Style: Small Value Total Net Assets: $383 Million Dividends: Paid annually, if any. Cap. Gains: Paid annually, if any. Calendar Year Performance Fund Statistics as of 1/31/2025 Avg Weighted Market Cap ($mil) 2,627.2 P/E (Price/Earnings) Ratio 11.9 R-Squared — Standard...
Imagine an AI company so groundbreaking, so far ahead of the curve, that even if its stock pricequadrupled today, it would still be considered ridiculously cheap. That’s the potential you’re looking at. This isn’t just about a decent return – we’re talking about a10,000%gain over ...
The fund is toast if the world stops driving, even if their money is invested in the slickest, most profitable car companies today. Perfect diversification could occur if an investor bought a small stake in every asset in the world. Though huge international indices try to get close, with ...
Everybody seems to be looking at smart beta these days, particularly within the equity space as an alternative to pure passive. I’m not a great fan of the term smart beta, as if your definition is ‘a non free float cap weighted index’then price weighted indices such as the Dow 30 ...
If your so-called “Absolute Returns” hedge fund crushed it over the last 18 months, I have two pieces of news for you: A) it’s not really an absolute returns vehicle after all and B) it’s going to crush you when the worm turns, regardless of what you’re counting on it to ...