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在 Financial Institution中的工作可以是Teller(柜员),Financial Advisor (理财/销售),Trader (交易员),Fund Manager(基金经理),Middle Office (结算) ,Equity Research Associate (股票调研)等等,这些从广义上讲,也是Finance领域的,但是从一个公司的职能上分,这些实际上是属于Customer Service, Sales, Operations, 等...
一般来说,如果你是quant portfolio manager,那么70%-80%的时间会用于处理request,20%-30%时间用于管理账户;而作为quant researcher,50%在做自己的长线研究,50%把棘手的客户要求转化为研究项目来解决。 不管在哪个组,quant都会有自己的长期研究项目(可能会长达数月)。当然,和学界的任何research一样,quant的研究结果...
我在国内读的金融专业本科,然后在美国读了金融工程的硕士,毕业后从事量化金融,一直在基金公司,有hedge fund,也有mutual fund。工作职能主要是围绕着量化研究,开发各种交易策略和管理模型。在股票的alpha research组待过,也在资产配置组待过。逐渐地对买方量化金融这一块有了一定的了解和自己的认识。 回想过去几年,我...
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The article announces the appointment of Eoin Murray as head of quantitative strategies at Old Mutual Asset Managers following the resignation of David Ross.EBSCO_bspDerivatives Week
Order Router or manager sends the order back to the exchange for buy/sell. To set up an algo desk, as a broker you need to identify your co-location to place the servers in close proximity to the exchange, feed in your strategies to your system after having it backtested and authenticat...
s era. With funds, decisions regarding investments can be made more efficiently, and decision making will be quick. It also saves time for humans, and the same human power can be utilized elsewhere. The mind of a manager and the use of machines make this investment fund useful in today’...