从2018暑假接到第一个来自Jane Street的面试,我找工作这场仗,一直打到了2019的4月,终于签了一个小quant shop的全职。持续一年多的生存之战中,我面过大大小小一系列专项不同的岗位:traditional trader,marketmaker,quant trader,quant researcher(front desk & risk),甚至quant developer。从面试说话紧张结巴、一被...
不过通常情况下,也是这里主要介绍的,是指卖方 (Sell Side)投行和买方(Buy Side)资产管理的 Quantitative Researcher 和 Quantitative Developer。Risk Quant 和 Model Validation Quant 的工作机会有很多。如果你想做 Quant,也可以 关注 Model Validation 或者风控/风险管理方面工作的准备,而不要仅仅专注于 Quant Trader...
美国大部分量化交易的自营公司,工作岗位主要有两个大类👇 1)专门做developer的程序员:他们不负责交易,主要的工作内容是负责infrastructure里build对外的东西。 2)做trading的quant trader和quant researcher。一般是trader居多,纯researcher的很少,做trading的自己一般也会做researcher。 现在有一些pop trading firms也会愿...
As always with the QuantStart Mailbag questions I need to make a few assumptions. Firstly, I am going to assume that you have a "traditional" software developer background and are likely to be formally educated in a university setting, at least to undergraduate or masters level. Secondly, I...
A quant developer - They are of two types. One works with the quant analyst to help them optimise their models for implementation. The other does the job of dealing with financial pricing data and trading architecture.Importance of preparing for an interview ...
(4) Quant developer (5) Statistical arbitrage quant (6) Capital quant A desk quant implements pricing models directly used by traders. Main plusses close to the money and opportunities to move into trading. Minuses can be stressful and depending on the outfit may not involve much research. ...
Quant developer – a glorified programmer but well-paid and easier to find a job. This sort of job can vary a lot. It could be coding scripts quickly all the time, or working on a large system debugging someone else’s code. Statistical arbitrage quant, works on finding patterns in data...
Ask Developers In-depth Questions One way to understand a developer’s programming experience and knowledge is by asking in-depth questions that require a detailed response. Asking about previous projects, why they made certain decisions, what they enjoyed about the project, and what they disliked ...
1)专门做developer的程序员:他们不负责交易,主要的工作内容是负责infrastructure里build对外的东西。 2)做trading的quant trader和quant researcher。一般是trader居多,纯researcher的很少,做trading的自己一般也会做researcher。 现在有一些pop trading firms也会愿意招聘本科生。这里简单介绍几家美国有名的量化自营交易公司...
Quant developer – a glori?ed programmer but well-paid and easier to ?nd a job. This sort of job can vary a lot. It could be coding scripts quickly all the time, or working on a large system debugging someone else’s code. Statistical arbitrage quant, works on ?nding patterns in ...