Here are 14 public repositories matching this topic... Language:HTML Sort:Most stars wangzhe3224/awesome-systematic-trading Sponsor Star2.4k A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for systematic trading. Crypto, Stock, Futures, Options, CFDs, FX, and more | 量化交易...
Burntt /FinRL_Crypto An open-source framework for reduction of overfitting of DRL agents in Finance Python6219UpdatedFeb 15, 2023 lihuithe /podlm-public Python49162UpdatedOct 26, 2024 thuml /OpenLTM Open-Source Implementations of Large Time-Series Models ...
Cyber-Crypto Quant-Quantum Login Newsletter Fighting "Invisible Enemies" & "Invisible Risks" Post-COVID19... Building Quantum AI, Trustable AI & Explainable AI... Post-AI-Quantum Digital Disruption Beyond AI Quantum Supremacy 'Beyond Prediction' 'Black Swans' & 'Uncharted Territories'... Be...
Our current Hi-Tech focus spans Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Data Science & Advanced Analytics, FinTech-Crypto, Computational Quantitative Finance & Trading, Blockchain and Cloud Computi...
Princeton Quant-FinTech-Crypto Presentations: Sponsors: Goldman Sachs, Citadel. Goldman Sachs to JP Morgan: Pioneer: Beyond Prediction: Anticipation of Surprise. Global Digital Transformation Pioneer: Top Digital Site, Search Engine, &, Social Network Use Cases: Worldwide World Leading Firms & Gover...
Cyber-Crypto Quant-Quantum Login Newsletter Fighting "Invisible Enemies" & "Invisible Risks" Post-COVID19... Building Quantum AI, Trustable AI & Explainable AI... Post-AI-Quantum Digital Disruption Beyond AI Quantum Supremacy 'Beyond Prediction' 'Black Swans' & 'Uncharted Territories'... Be...
AWS-Quantum Valley: How 30-Year Behind AI-ML-DL-Data Science can catch up with Today's C4I-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum Risks: YM-ABC™: $Trillion Wall Street Hedge Funds Quants Leader: MIT-Princeton AI-Quantum-Quant Finance & Trading Faculty-SME: CFA-PRMIA Industry Expert-SME. Pent...
lake-api- Python interface for Crypto Lake high frequency crypto market data tessa- simple, hassle-free access to price information of financial assets (currently based on yfinance and pycoingecko), including search and a symbol class. pandaSDMX- Python package that implements SDMX 2.1 (ISO 17369...
The acts and actions taken by the many participants throughout the 15-year saga (an allegation of commodity price manipulation e.g., the Houston Ship Channel matter) have undermined the importance of Compliance.” Maybe Chris Edmonds spoke too soon. The news site (?) CryptoMode is report...
AWS-Quantum Valley: How 30-Year Behind AI-ML-DL-Data Science can catch up with Today's C4I-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum Risks: YM-ABC™: $Trillion Wall Street Hedge Funds Quants Leader: MIT-Princeton AI-Quantum-Quant Finance & Trading Faculty-SME: CFA-PRMIA Industry Expert-SME. Pent...