About quant mutual fundOriginally incorporated in 1996, quant Mutual Fund is one of the oldest and pioneering mutual funds in India with an over 22 year legacy in the asset management industry in the country. At quant mutual, with our dynamic and active style of money management, we endeavor...
In Indian mutual funds, Quant Fund is being relevant, using active management & dynamic investing. Check our money market fund, capital protection fund & guarantee fund
Kotak Securities Limited: AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor
quant Group was born more than a decade ago, as a financial services platform in the midst of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, with two simple yet powerful guiding mantras –‘Being Relevant’ and ‘Predictive Analytics.’ The guiding philosophy of ‘Being Relevant’ means that in a dynamic...
Define quant. quant synonyms, quant pronunciation, quant translation, English dictionary definition of quant. n. Slang An expert in the use of mathematics and related subjects, particularly in investment management and stock trading. American Heritage
首先trader是干嘛的。sell-side trader从spread里挣钱(例:同一个股票20卖出18买),buy-side trader从...
在成熟市场上hedgefund通常是相对于mutualfund而言。其差别是:mutualfund是公开招募,并且公开交易的开放型基金。国内市场上交易的开放型基金大多数属于mutualfund。而hedgefund则大多是私下招募,并且封闭的基金。 在全球金融市场,hedgefund已经成为一支举足轻重的角色。从东南亚金融危机到最近两年的商品期货的超级牛市都可以见...
从东南亚金融危机到近来两年商品期货超级牛市都可以见到hedgefund身影。由于hedgefund收益率普遍高于mutualfund,近来几年全球范畴hedgefund都获得了迅速成长。再加上全球性资本过剩,当前上billionfund都算不上特别大。 稍微提一下对冲概念。对冲是一种控制金融风险手段。举个例子来说,如果你买了100股股票,然后又紧张股票...