Holloway-Libell, J. (2014). Teacher evaluation systems: How teachers and teacher quality are (re)defined by market-based discourses. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Arizona State University, Tempe.Holloway-Libell, Jessica. 2014. Teacher Evaluation Systems: How Teachers and Teacher Quality are (...
Applying the theory of yardstick competition to the schooling system, we show that it is optimal to have central tests of student achievement and to engage in benchmarking because it raises the quality of teaching. This is true even if teachers' pay (defined in monetary terms) is not performa...
In a public educa- tion system where teachers remunerations are paid by the government and financed by taxation, for any given amount of government revenue, there exists a trade-o¤ between teacher quality and teacher quantity. At the same time, the imposed tax rate has an impact on the ...
The guidelines for educational provision consist of three indicators: development of a diversified curricula and ambiance enabling learners to develop themselves in line with their natural inclinations and to the best of their potential; systematic and effective development of administrators, teachers, facul...
(2014). Assessing teacher quality in India (Working paper S-35134-INC-1). International Growth Centre, London School of Economics. Google Scholar Brinkmann, S. (2019). Teachers’ beliefs and educational reform in India: From ‘learner-centred’ to ‘learning-centred’ education. Comparative ...
quality of teachersleadershippersonalityThis study aims to review the quality of teachers as a form of self-leadership that make up the personality of a teacher with a better value as well as lessons in helping the implementation of unity elements. Musical performances at the Institute of Teacher...
A sample of 222 teachers and 875 children participated in a large, multi-site study. Classroom quality was defined as effective teacher-child interactions and measured by the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Children's language, literacy, and inhibitory control were assessed in the fall and ...
Teacher Quality Improvement Program: Empowering Teachers to Increasing a Quality of Indonesian's Education Teacher Quality Improvement (TQI) program has been designed to improve teacher competencies to make classroom climate fun and conducive for students to lea... N Ramdhani,D Ancok,Y Swasono,......
Wellington College China has built a vibrant community where pupils and staff alike strive to achieve excellence in all that they do. We employ individuals who are genuinely passionate and committed to working in the educational sector. We expect our teachers to share our high expectations and aspi...
Research on Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) has indicated that course design is at least as important as teachers’ performance for student-rated