Combining comprehensive medical terminology, AI, and deep subject matter expertise, we structure and operationalize point-of-care data to generate sharper insights, more intelligent decisions, and better healthcare outcomes. Simplify Enhance data quality with efficient clinical workflows Document with pre...
Node/Express/Jest which have many millions of downloads each per week on npm, the requirements for contributions are a bit higher. Changes to these projects can have massive ecosystem effects and so we treat changes to them with a lot of care. These modules require both a sign-off from a...
Health care organisations should maintain files on the quality of the care provided by all professional employees,the Government recommends.In its response to the Shipman Inquiry's fifth report and to the recommendations of the Ayling,Neale and Kerr/Haslam inquiries,the Government suggests that such ...
Finally, for chlamydia screening, we report only unadjusted rates because adjusted models did not converge. Tests of association between plan type and the log-odds of having an indicator met were conducted by examining the significance of the coefficient of the plan-type indicator in the regression...
Health care provision is often designed to achieve 2 important goals, namely, provision of high-quality care and attainment of lower cost of care.1 Nationally, there are widespread efforts to systematically report on hospital quality of care. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has taken...
While state restrictions may be intended to reduce overall abortions, the panel said those barriers can reduce the quality of care for women who undergo the procedure by preventing them from receiving the type of abortion that best meets their needs in a timely, equitable, science-based manner....
BMJ Quality & Safety is an international peer-reviewed journal covering the science of improvement across healthcare service and provision.
The information in this report is the property of Hammond-Henry Hospital and may not be reproduced or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of Hammond-Henry Hospital. By accessing information presented throughout the Quality of Care web pages of, you...
The core elements of antibiotic stewardship for nursing homes. Available at: Accessed July 13, 2020. Technical or research report Results from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings. ...
Our rankings in the top ten percent for both inpatient and ambulatory care are a direct result of collaboration between staff and faculty at Stanford Health Care and the School of Medicine Ranked Among the Top Ten Hospitals in the Nation ByU.S. News & World Report ...