空气污染指数(Air Pollution Index, API)是反映空气污染物,如最常见的氮氧化物、悬浮粒子(来自汽车)和二氧化硫(来自工厂)水平的一个指数,一般是根据实际污染物观测值并用特定公式算出。指数常被用来对公众发布“空气品质日报”,让人们知道目前的空气质量,进而更妥善地规划行程和工作。各个国家或地区对空气污染指数的计...
The impact of natural sources on air quality is highly dependent on the local environment. For example, locations near large deserts like the Sahara are greatly impacted by windblown dust and sand, while forested locations are more likely to experience air pollution from wildfires. Household ...
Air quality in Beijing Air quality index (AQI⁺) and PM2.5 air pollution in Beijing • 05:09, Feb 22 Good Moderate Unhealthy for sensitive groups Unhealthy Very unhealthy Hazardous Live most polluted city ranking Real-time Beijing most polluted city ranking ...
Beijing Air Quality Index (AQI). Read the air pollution in Beijing, China, get real-time, historical and forecast PM2.5 and weather data with AirVisual.
空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,AQI)是空气质量的评价指标,取值范围为0~500,其中0~50、51~100,101~200、201~300和大于300,分别对应I级、II级、III级、IV级和V级标准的污染物浓度限定数值.I级,空气质量评估为优,对人体健康无影响;II级,空气质量评估为良,对人体健康无显著影响;III级,为轻度污染,健康人群出现...
空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,简称AOI)是定量描述空气质量状况的指数,空气质量按照AOI大小分为六级,0~50为优;51~100为良;101~150为轻度污染;151~200为中度污染;201~300为重度污染;大于300为严重污染.某环保人士从当地某年的AOI记录数据中,随机抽取10天的AOI数据,用茎叶图记录如下.根据该统计数据,估计此地该...
Air quality index (AQI⁺) and PM2.5 air pollution in Orléans • 21:00, Dec 27 Local time 53 US AQI⁺ Moderate Hourly forecast Orléans air quality index (AQI⁺) forecast Now 53 32° 3.4 mph 100% 23:00 57 32° 2.2 mph ...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created a tool called the Air Quality Index (AQI) to inform the public of the level of air pollution and the risks it can pose to our health. Air quality can change very quickly, and the AQI allows people to stay on top of current air ...
AIR quality managementDATA qualityMetro cities across the world use air quality index (AQI) as a tool for local air quality management. The basic purpose of the AQI system is to interpret the air quality status based on potential human health impacts. In the ai...
【题目】(一)空气质量指数(AQI)(10分)AOI是空气质量指数(Air Quality Index)的简称,是定量描述空气质量状况的无量纲指数。其数值越大、级别和类别越高、表征颜色越深,说明空气污染状况越严重,对人体的健康危害也就越大。针对单项污染物还规定了空气质量分指数。AOI共分六级:0-50,空气质量级别为一级,空气质量...