Proneness gives the inclination or tendency or likeliness of the software system to have a certain characteristic or behavior. For example, when we say that a given module (class in an Object Oriented scenario) is "error prone", we mean that the class under consideration is more likely to ...
Many statistical techniques have been proposed and introduced to predict fault-proneness of program modules in software engineering. Choosing the "best" candidate among many available models involves performance assessment and detailed comparison. But these comparisons are not simple due to varying performan...
The modern view of a quality associated with a software product several quality factors such as the following. The modern views to software quality are: 1) Portability A software app is told to be portable, if it can be normally made to work in various operating system modes, in different ...
Metrics and models in software quality engineering =软件质量工程的度量与模型 本发明公开了一种嵌入式软件可信性保障方法,通过构建基于可信要素的五元组技术体系,实现在每一个研制阶段针对每一个可信要素利用理论方法,工具以及度量评估对嵌入式软... - Metrics and models in software quality engineering =软件质量...
With over two decades in the trenches, we’ve gained deep insights from every success and challenge, constantly evolving to meet the demands of the digital world. Expertise Our team is a powerhouse of Quality Engineering talent, combining years of hands-on experience with a forward-thinking appro...
Models have long since been used, in different shapes and forms, to understand, communicate about, and (re)shape, the world around us; including many different social, economic, biological, chemical, physical, and digital aspects. This is also the case in the context of enterprise architecture...
A Systematic Study of Software Quality Models", Ashwin B. Tomar and Dr.Vilas. M. ThakareTomar, A. Thakare, V. A Systematic Study of Software Quality Models. In proceedings of the International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), Vol.2, No.4, October 2011....