医疗保健质量管理(Quality Management In Health Care)是一本由Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.出版的一本HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES学术刊物,主要报道HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选、社会科学引文索引(SCIE)来源期刊
出版周期:4 issues/year 语言:English 研究方向:HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES《医疗保健质量管理》(Quality Management In Health Care)是一本以HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.出版商创刊于1992年,刊期4 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威...
影响因子:1.2 是否预警:否 语言:English 是否OA开放访问:未开放 研究方向:HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 SSCI期刊 学科领域:HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for our readers to explore the...
《Quality Management in Health Care》 期刊名缩写:QUAL MANAG HEALTH CA 22年影响因子:1.147 issn:1063-8628 eIssn:1550-5154 类别:医学社会科学 学科与分区:健康政策和服务(HEALTH POLICY & SERVICES) - SSCI(Q4)健康护理科学与服务(HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES) - SCIE(Q4)...
《Quality Management in Health Care》近4年来中科院分区等级十分稳定,大小类基本维持4区不变,期刊影响因子、发文量稳定, 自引率低且有下降趋势,引用次数稳定,期刊发展形势平缓,故推测该期刊明年的中科院分区大概率稳定不变。 04其他信息 1 影响因子 《Quality Management in Health Care》的影响因子稳定上升,最新的...
基本信息 期刊全称 Quality Management In Health Care 期刊简称 Print ISSN 1063-8628 Online ISSN 1550-5154 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 否 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考:SCI被取代 ...
Quality Management In Health Care创刊于1992年,由Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES全领域,此期刊水平偏中等偏靠后,在所属细分领域中专业影响力一般,过审相对较易,如果您文章质量佳,选择此期刊,发表机率较高。平均审稿速度 ,影响因子指数1.2,该期刊近期没...
期刊简称QUAL MANAG HEALTH CA 参考译名《医疗质量管理》 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向医学-HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES卫生保健与服务 QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH CARE《医疗质量管理》(季刊). Quality Management in He...
Quality (AJMQ) is focused on keeping readers informed of the resources, processes, and perspectives contributing to quality health care services. This peer-reviewed journal presents a forum for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and methods in improving the delivery and management of health care. ...
Within and across these spheres David examines what impacts on quality improvement, how to achieve efficiencies in systems and mechanisms to integrate research findings and evidence into healthcare policy and practice. This includes, for example, the formal or informal management and regulation of the...