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Welcome toQuality Inn & Suites P.E. Trudeau Airport, a 2.5 star hotel located in the vibrant city of Montreal, Canada. With its convenient location near the airport, this hotel offers a comfortable and hassle-free stay for both business and leisure travelers. Step into the warm and inviting...
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Quality Inn Enjoy your visit to Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu with a stay at Quality Inn. You can go for a morning swim at the indoor pool, and visit the fitness centre for a workout. The helpful staff and breakfast get great marks from fellow travellers. ...
In Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Montreal, Canada, 2012, 45011, pp.403–409. Lynn, R.; Louhichi, W.; Parto, M.; Wescoat, E.; Kurfess, T. Rapidly deployable...
In Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2007), Montreal, QC, Canada, 28–30 May 2007; pp. 379–386. [CrossRef] 10. Singh, P.; Mukundan, R.; de Ryke, R. Quality analysis of synthetic ultrasound images using co-occurrence texture statistics. In...
EElleeccttrriiccAArrcc FFuurrnnaaccee ((EEAAFF)) TThhee mmooddeelliinngg ooff EEAAFF iiss ppeerrffoorrmmeedd bbaasseedd oonn tthhee VV--II CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ((VVIICC)),, wwhhiicchh ccoommpprriisseess aa ssoolluuttiioonn ooff aa nnoonn--lliinneeaarr ddiiffffeerreen...
Vines were assigned to the following treatments: (i) Kelpak® treatment; (ii) Cytolan® Concentrated Powder (Promisol S.A., Lleida, Spain) based on Ascophyllum nodosum (AN) extract (100% seaweed extract); (iii) LalVigne™ Mature (LM, Lallemand Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada), a ...
In Proceedings of the 2012 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), Montreal, QC, Canada, 29 April–2 May 2012; pp. 1–5. 56. Toodeji, H.; Farokhnia, N.; Riahy, G.H. Integration of PV module and STATCOM to extract maximum power from PV. In ...