Thischecklistisdesignedasaguidefortheproductionofeducationalmaterialspromotingthe teachingandlearningofscientificinquiryforgradesK-12.Itisbasedonananalysisprocedure forselectinginstructionalmaterialssuggestedinAppendixBofInquiryandtheNational ScienceEducationStandards:AGuideforTeachingandLearning,publishedbytheNational ...
Teaching modules were developed to educate 432A suppliers (support personnel, nursing) and customers (physicians). A minimum of 2 process improvements continue to be implemented each month based on PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) principles. Data was collected before and after the implementation of ...
In mathematics education, teaching demands and teachers’ professional knowledge features distinctive subject-specific characteristics. This refers to knowledge of the mathematics curriculum, knowledge of the aims of mathematics teaching, and knowledge of the construct of mathematics for teaching and learning ...
University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia; Cancer Diseases Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia; UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. Background: Breast cancer is the second most common female cancer in Zambia, a low resource sub-Saharan African country. Studies from neighboring sub-Saharan countries...
Focus groups were conducted on the first day of each face-to-face teaching week by the first author, who already knew all the participants from their attendance on the ABC course. An initial discussion guide was developed in consultation with the project team, which was further refined as the...
Use our pre-submission checklist Avoid common mistakes on your manuscript. Sections References Abstract Wellbeing, Positive Psychology and Adolescents Positive Education Teaching and Learning: A Crucial Factor in Positive Education Implementation Methods Results Discussion References Author information Ethics ...
At the publicly funded tertiary hospital, the PICNIC program was incorporated into the departmental education program, with protected teaching time for some clinician groups and leadership support for other clinicians to participate wherever possible. For the other sites in the network, the PICNIC ...
The rationale behind this observation may be viewed from a teaching perspective. All these items are highly relevant in day-to-day surgical practice; however, it seems that practical experience is probably undervalued in the teaching context. This will have implications for teaching in the near ...
Teaching files deserve periodic review if the quality of the educational experience is to be maintained. 1657 A Taxonomy of Amended Reports Assesses Impact of Henry Ford Production Sysytem [HFPS] a Lean Quality Initiative in Surgical Pathology FA Meier, RC Varney, R D'Angelo, A Gandhi, RJ ...
Sensitivity analysis was planned by replicating the analysis only on studies of good quality (less than three of the ten items in the SURE checklist with a negative qualification). Furthermore, the analysis was stratified according to the objective of the qualitative study into a main thematic ana...