Each year before the beginning of the experiment, cows were located at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Dalbey-Halleck Research Unit near Virginia in southeast Nebraska. Cows were maintained on dormant smooth bromegrass pastures and received ad libitum access to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and smoot...
At the end of the greenhouse experiment (52 DAT), the final plant height as well as the number of leaves per plant were recorded on six green and red plants per replicate. The total leaf area per plant was measured using an electronic area meter (Li-Cor3000, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA...
In Proceedings of Road Profile Users Group Meeting, Lincoln, NE, USA, 22–24 September 1992. 11. Kropácˇ, O.; Múcˇka, P. Be careful when using the International Roughness Index as an indicator of road unevenness. J. Sound Vib. 2005, 287, 989–1003. [CrossRef] 12. Loizos, A....