Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be av...
功能型 Cookie 有助於執行某些功能,例如在社交媒體平臺上分享網站內容、收集回饋以及其他第三方功能。 開啟設定 分析 及 效能相關 分析型 分析型 Cookie 用於瞭解訪問者如何與網站互動。這些 Cookie 幫助提供有關諸如訪問者數量、跳出率、流量來源等指標的資訊。 效能型 效能型 Cookie 用於瞭解和分析網站的關鍵績效...
TARGET 4.5 ELIMINATE ALL DISCRIMINATION IN EDUCATION 目标4.5:消除教育中的一切歧视 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulner...
Education is a component of sustainable development with its strong effects at global, regional and local levels. The biggest challenge the world faces in this context is the preservation and continuous improvement of the effort put forward to provide sustainable education in studies on education. ...
Applying a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis and using data from the 2023 Sustainable Development Report, we focus our analysis on four SDG 4 indicators—early education, primary education, lower secondary education, and literacy rate—across 117 countries, in order to assess the conditions ...
Use GIS to assess and encourage inclusive and equitable education for all.
The ranking for SDG 4: quality education is led by Aalborg University in Denmark. The top 10 is largely dominated by Asia, with two institutions from Hong Kong, two from Turkey, two from Pakistan, one from India and one from Bahrain. Pakistan has the highest number of universities in the...
我们采用经过精心校准的指标来全面且均衡地比较4个宽广的领域,包括:研究、外展活动、管理和教学。 此排名基于可持续发展目标4(SDG 4):优质教育,旨在评估大学对早期和终身学习的贡献、教育学研究以及对包容性教育的责任。 该排名包括来自95个国家/地区的966所大学。 查看2021年大学影响力排名SDG 4:优质教育的研究方法...
Complete the individual assignment by December 21 and compete in the "24-hour SDG Open Hack" with assigned global team members on December 24-26 to receive the 1 academic credit/ transcript from Tsinghua University, as well as certificate of completion from Tsinghua, Geneva, and UN, and enter...
SDG 4 - Quality Education - is committed to equal access to quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning for all. Quality education is very important to Janssen as well. Community Impact Lead Peggy van Casteren explains the need for it: "Education is about lifelong learning, stayin...