University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX. Background: Pathology training programs typically retain teaching materials derived from classic and/or difficult diagnostic cases. In many institutions, these files may extend back for decades. However, diagnostic criteria are mutable, and a...
NQA–1QUALITYASSURANCEREQUIREMENTSFORNUCLEAR FACILITYAPPLICATIONS PresentedBy–RobertG.Burns,PE 32ndNationalEnergy&EnvironmentalDivisionConferenceinSanAntonio,Texas SCOPE •NQA–1AnHistoricalPerspective•NQA–1UserCommunity•Scope,StructureandContent•Basic,SupplementsandNon-mandatory Appendices Slide2 TYPICAL...
Quality assurance for computed-tomography simulators and the computed- tomography-simulation process: Report of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group No. 66 Sasa Mutica) Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 Jatinder R. Palta ...
Several members of QAI’s technical, quality and policy teams attended the annual Accredited Certifiers Association (ACA) Meeting and NOP Training held in San Antonio, Texas, February 6 – 8, 2018. The focus of the one-day NOP training was largely on verifying organic imports. If ...
Quality Assurance 1987 Utility of Flow Cytometry in the Pathologic Evaluation of Tonsils and Adenoids Omonigho Aisagbonhi, Amy Ly. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. Background: Tonsils and adenoids are often excised to treat infections and airway obstruction. In addition to histology, ...
South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Audie L. Murphy Division, Veterans Evidence-based Research Dissemination Implementation CenTer (VERDICT 11C6), 7400 Merton Minter Boulevard, San Antonio, TX, 78229, USA Mary Jo V. Pugh, Polly H. Noël & John R. Downs ...
James R. DickensZhiyong CaiProceedings of the 6th NDE Topical Conference: The NDE Topical Conference San Antonio, Texas April 19-22, 19990
Deformable image registration (DIR) is used routinely in the clinic without a formalized quality assurance (QA) process. Using simulated deformations to digitally deform images in a known way and comparing to DIR algorithm predictions is a powerful technique for DIR QA. This technique must also ...
acrmriaccreditationqualityassuranceprogram QualityControlandtheACR’sMRIAccreditationProgram GeoffreyD.Clarke,Ph.D. UniversityofTexasHealthScienceCenter atSanAntonio RadiologicalSciencesDivision Overview ACRMRIAccreditationProgram MRIQualityControlProgram Definitions Technologist’sDaily&WeeklyQCTasks Physicist’sResponsibil...
Conclusions The UTHSCSA multimodality tumor measurement phantom described in this study can potentially be a useful quality assurance tool for verifying radiologic assessment of tumor size change during preclinical anti-cancer therapy testing with multiple imaging modalities.Peer...