26. QAP:Quality Assurance Plan质量保证计划 27. PFC:Process Flow Chart过程流程图 28. QMS:Quality Management Systems质量管理体系 29. JIT:Just In Time准时(交货) 30. ERP:Enterprise Requirement Planning企业需求计划 31. QC:Quality Control 质量控制 32. QA:Quality Audit 质量审核/Qality Assurance 质量保...
Quality assurance (QA) is a vital process in software development that aims to ensure the delivery of high-quality products to end users. It involves a systematic and planned set of activities that are performed throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC) to identify and resolve defects...
The emphasis on quality assurance and process improvement (QAPI) has evolved in transplant programs since 2007 with implementation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Conditions of Participation (CMS CoPs). Since release of the CMS CoPs, private insurers, as well as CMS, are focused on ...
45 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 46 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制 47 Gauge system 测量系统 48 Grade 等级 49 Histogram 直方图 50 Improvement 改善 51 Initial review 先期审查 52 Inspection 检验 53 Internal Failure 内部失效、内部缺陷 54 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质...
CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 DWG Drawing 图面 DC Document Center 资料中心 D/C Date Code 生产日期码 DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计品质保证 DOE Design of Experiments 实验设计
CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】 DIMDimension 尺寸 DIADiameter 直径 DWGDrawing 图面 DCDocument Center 资料中心 D/CDate Code 生产日期码 DQADesign Quality Assurance 设计品质保证 DOEDesign of Experiments 实验设计 DCCDocument Control Center 数据控制中心 ...
CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 DWG Drawing 图面 DC Document Center 资料中心 D/C Date Code 生产日期码 DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计品质保证 DOE Design of Experiments 实验设计
GS QUALITY ASSURANCE & PROCESS IMPROVEMENT CONSULTING GILSASSOON@GMAIL.COM (310) 738-4792 ANALYSIS • PROCESS IMPROVEMENT • QUALITY SYSTEM STRUCTURING • AUDIT PREPARATION Our model is based on over 25 years of experience in the Aerospace Industry. We work with your team to properly document...
Quality, In philosophy, a property that applies to things taken singly, in contrast to a relation, which applies to things taken in pairs, triples, etc. The distinction drawn by Galileo and John Locke between primary and secondary qualities is motivated
The Epec quality assurance process is divided into five separate areas, ensuring that specialized expertise is applied to each stage of our business process. Epec’s system also provides the safeguards necessary to prevent any quality problem from evading detection. ...