23.PQA:Product Quality Assurance 产品质量保证 24.QP-QC-QI:质量三步曲,质量计划-质量控制-质量改进 25.QAF:Quality Assurance File 质量保证文件 26.QAP:Quality Assurance Plan 质量保证计划 27.PFC:Process Flow Chart 过程流程图 28.QMS:Quality Management System 质量管理体系 29.JIT:Just In Time 准时制...
23、PQA:Product Quality Assurance 产品质量保证(免检) 24、QP-QC-QI:质量三步曲 质量计划-质量控制-质量改进 25、QAF:Quality Assurance File 质量保证文件 26、QAP:Quality Assurance Plan 质量保证计划 27、PFC:Process Flow Chart 过程流程图 28、QMS:Quality Management Systems 质量管理体系 29、JIT:Just In...
将“quality assurance plan"翻译成中文 质量保证体系, 质量保证方案, 质量保证计划是“quality assurance plan"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Collecting reliable data from field measurements is an important step in the quality assurance plan. ↔ 通过实地测量收集可靠数据是质量保证计划中的重要一步。
9. Problem Resolution and Corrective Action 10. Tools, Techniques, and Methodologies 11. Configuration Management 12. Supplier and Subcontractor Controls 14. Training 15. Risk Management Quality Assurance Plan 1.Introduction [The introduction of the Quality Assurance Plan provides an overview of the ent...
In a classic quality assurance vs quality control example, a non-conforming test result, like a medical device which exceeds error tolerance levels, would be a QC output, and should result in a QA corrective and preventive action (CAPA) investigation to determine the root cause of the issue ...
What is quality assurance, and what does it mean in project management? Find everything you need to know about the quality assurance process with Wrike.
QualityAssurance培训教材 控制计划理论 为什么我们需要控制计划?PhilipsLighting 2 质量发展历程 Howwellagainstthebest?和最好比,现在有多好?WorldClass世界级和标竿比较达到世界级的结果。精细的改进有清楚的证据,效果与原因的关联很明显,连续5年强大的正向趋势。HowWell?作得多好?50%-70%Positive积极的所有的...
This report describes the quality assurance program plan for the RASA program in conducting all activities related to the UMTRA project. All quality assurance provisions given by the DOE, DOE/UMTRA, and ORNL organizations are integrated into this plan. Specifically, this report identifies the ...
QualityAssuranceSystem质量保证系统 QASincludesprocessesandconceptsdesignedtoimplementtheprincipleofJidokaandisanintegralpartoftheKodakOperatingSystem.QAS包括实施Jidoka原则的流程和理念,是柯达运作系统的一个重要部分。Jidoka:Theprincipleofstoppingworkimmediatelywhenproblemsoccur,andimplementingrapidcorrectiveaction.当问题发生...
the progress of the implementation will be confirmed quarterly by sending an action plan to egston. 未根据上述标准维持质量体系的供应商承诺在合同合作方商定的期限内实施上述的质量管 理体系。供应商应每个季度向益仕敦公司提交行动计划以确认实施的进度。 quality assurance agreement 质量保证协议质量保证协议 ...