Corporate Leadershipneed to be attentive in effecting good corporate governance and for thispurpose they should possess specific leadership characteristics. The goal ofthis paper is to analyze the concept of good governance and the concept ofleadership to propose specific leadership characteristics to ...
involves participation, transparency, accountability and rule of law. It also involves effectiveness and equity in governance activity. Good governance ensures that political, social and economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerabl...
Analysis of Quality of Management Accounting Information System to Improve the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Principles (Case of Sharia Commercial Banks in Bandung City) The main causes of bank failures include: poor bank management, too risky to take risks, and a lack of supervision ...
We wish to preservethese qualities,because they are essential to the good governance of the SAR. 這些優點是我和日後問責官員極希望能保留的,我相信也是社會希望能 保留的,因為這關乎特區的有效管治。
Public Service Quality in Good Governance Perspective: Study on Publishing Trade License in South Tangerang City The complexity of requirements, complicated procedures and the lack certainty of time and cost in trade license services indicate the low quality of public service. The situation is becoming...
We hope that the HKU can improve its governance and set a good example for various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, so that governance in the tertiary education sector will be geared up to develop in the right direction continuously, thereby nurturing more talents with good civic qualities and...
much effort has been put in shaping China’s own corporate governance structure. Policymakers have tried to build China’s own model based on both the insider-based and outsider-based systems, but the prerequisites for the proper functioning of the models are not well-deve 当中国移动朝倾向市场...
• Excellent interpersonal skills, including ability to work effectively with internal and external stakeholders • Ability to effectively communicate verbally and in writing with a variety of people. • A natural, open manner and level of self-confidence, which helpsgenerate trust and good ...
a她身上表现出来的这些品质是我所推崇的,它告诉我在挫 折中不悲观、不失望,而是保持良好的心态,在人生之路上继续前行; On her body displays these qualities are, it which I esteem tells me in the setback not pessimistic, is not disappointed, but is the maintenance good point of view, continues the...
this is the desert of the real … So never mind good intentions, they won’t get us anywhere: when art addresses the future in (self-)skeptical ways, it refuses nostalgia and hope as sentimental compensations for an uncertain future. There is an indignity in speaking on behalf of others ...