如何做定性研究-Qualitative-researchPPT课件 QualitativeResearch13thofMarch - 1 QualitativeResearch “Youcanlearnalotjustbywatching”- 2 MAKINGSENSEOFOTHERS’REALITY - 3 THEINTERPRETIVEPARADIGM •Theinterpretiveapproacharguesthatresearchshouldexplore“…sociallymeaningfulactionthroughthedirectdetailedobservationofpeople...
1、1 Qualitative Research13th of March2“You can learn a lot just by watching”3MAKING SENSE OF OTHERS REALITY4THE INTERPRETIVE PARADIGM The interpretive approach argues that research should explore “socially meaningful action through the direct detailed observation of people in natural settings in or...
Qualitative – Intensive research with small samples – Emphasis is not on generalizing from sample to population – Focus is on depth of understanding – Statistical techniques for estimating sample size is not relevant School of Management www.som.surrey.ac.uk ? Qualitative: – A search for ...
2 WHEN TO USE --- AND WHEN NOT TO USE --- QUALITATIVE RESEARCH WHERE IS QUALITATIVE RESEARCH NOT APPROPRIATE? 1. As a “cheap quantitative test.”If you cannot afford the correct sample sizes for a valid quantitative test, don’t fool yourself into thinking that three group sessions can ...
如何做定性研究-qualitative-researchppt课件 系统标签: researchpptqualitative定性samplingparticipantsinterview -1QualitativeResearch13thofMarch-2QualitativeResearchQualitativeResearch“Youcanlearnalotjustbywatching”-3MAKINGSENSEOFOTHERS’REALITY-4THEINTERPRETIVEPARADIGM•Theinterpretiveapproacharguesthatresearchshouldexplore...
trustworthinessbycomparingdifferent informationonthesametopic. •Triangulation –Datatriangulation •Useofmultipledatasources –Students,teachers,administrators,etc. –Methodstriangulation •Interviews,observations,etc. –Researchertriangulation •Useateamofresearchers. GroupDiscussion •Namearesearchtopicfor...
中央資管:范錚強 21 Research Design Qualitative Longitudinal Multi-method Quantitative Cross-sectional or longitudinal Single method 中央資管:范錚強 22 Sample Design and Size Qualitative Non-probability Purposive Small sample Quantitative Probability Large sample ...
Sampling Sample: any part of a population of individuals on whom information is obtained: students, teachers, young learners, etc. Sampling: the process of selecting these individuals Sample Size What is an appropriate sample size for qualitative research? It depends: the size that adequately answer...
Validity and reliability of qualitative research有效性和可靠性的定性研究.ppt,The Validity and Reliability of Qualitative Research Training Overview Section 1: Philosophical Orientation: Getting in the Right Mindset Section 2: Enhancing the Validity of Qu