Rowan M and Huston P. Qualitative research articles: infor- mation for authors and peer reviewers. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1997;157(10):1442-6. PMid:9371080; PMCid:PMC1228487.Rowan M, Huston P: Qualitative research articles: information for authors and peer reviewers. CMAJ 1997, ...
Considers the distinct departure from quantitative research that qualitative research brings to the medical world. The little information offered by quantitative research; The insight offered by qualitative research providing insight into people's experiences and what they need to do to change; How qualit...
Therefore, the inclusion of US patients in this study provides an additional patient perspective and supplements the previous research. Patients and physicians were required to meet pre-defined eligibility criteria (Table 1). Table 1 Patient and physician eligibility criteria for qualitative interviews ...
The state of mentoring research: A qualitative review of current research methods and future research implications Research regarding mentoring relationships has flourished during the past 20 years. This article reviews the methodology and content of 200 published mento... TD Allen,LT Eby,KE O’Brien...
Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal. CitesYearValue Self Cites 2001 0 Self Cites 2002 0 Self Cites 2003 0 Self Cites 2004 0 Self Cites 2006 0 Self Cites 2007 1 Self Cites 2008 0 Self Cites ...
11:48 AM Page 3 INTRODUCTION TO QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 3 quantitative and qualitative research, because by concentrating on the commonalities and differences we will better understand what is meant by qualitative research.This might suggest that qualitative research is one clearly defined research approach....
Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal. CitesYearValue...
Where saturation was defined, authors used similar definitions. Overall, saturation was described as the point at which little or no relevant new codes and/or categories were found in data, when issues begin to be repeated with no further understanding or contribution to the study phenomenon, its...
Glaser and Strauss [19] foresaw a time when a substantive body of grounded research should be pushed towards a higher, more abstract level. As a piece of methodological work, Eaves undertook her own synthesis of the synthesis methods used by these authors to produce her own clear and explicit...
about what makes a study good [22,23,24]. To further understand the context in which the research was conducted, we also used a validated 32-item checklist to provide a means to assess the rigour and validity of the data collection and analysis techniques used by the research authors [25...